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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I'm coming to get you, Barbara...

...I mean, uh, sleep.

Sorry for the lack of updates (or simply lame updates) and being a wee incommunicado. I've been extremely busy and I've only slept about 15 minutes in the past 150 years. That's not hyperbole! Things are finally calming down, however, and I hope to watch a damn movie sometime soon, or at least come up with something interesting to say. I also hope to get some ZZZZs so I no longer look like this dude:

While my skin is a sight better than his, I will admit he's a bit more fashionable.

At any rate, there are some ITEMS OF NOTE for you to...uh...note!

*They're a FANGO-a-GOIN': big congrats to MICAH ZURER and TIM BIRD, whose names got pulled out of the magic who will win my Fango ticket giveaway extravaganza? bag. Yes, a bag. I'm feeling far too lazy to go get my hat.

*Get out your calendars and celebrate each month with a horror movie! I've got a new joint, as the kids might say, up over at AMC.

Well, that's all I got today. There's a stack of movies sitting here waiting for my loving gaze- I promise it's the end of the lame as we know it (and I feel something something)!

*WAIT! I FORGOT! A word on link exchanges.

Here's the thing. It's nice for blogs and sites to link to each other- everybody, in theory, gets new readers. Readers get introduced to a new author. Kittens dance in a circle and the world explodes in a sparkling shower of love.

I totally dig getting emails that say something like "I just found your blog and it's swell so I linked to you. Here's my blog, in case you're interested!" If I remember to (when it comes to email-related stuff, I'm terrible. I put off responding to people so I can write something "good", then I promptly forget about it. My participation in the Horror Roundtable has been awful because of this character flaw) I'll click the link, read the blog, and maybe add it to my sidebar if I like it or I think people should know about it.

I've also linked to people I've found randomly, or to people who comment frequently here.

But when I get emails from people demanding a quid pro quo ("If you want me to link to you, you have to link to me as well") or giving me a deadline by which time they will remove the link to me if I don't reciprocate, well, my immediate response is FUCK THAT. You know why? Because I don't fucking care.

As I said, my blogroll is made up of blogs I enjoy reading. That's that. Of course I'd love it if every blog in the world linked to me, but I don't expect anybody to. I've never ever ever asked anyone specifically to link to me, or to exchange, or whatever. Yes, draw my attention to your site- that's cool. But for the love of Charles Nelson Reilly, don't make demands of me and my linkage. It makes me suffer from extreme blog nausea and I do rash things when I start to feel all antsy.

Besides- I find it so much more satisfying when I suddenly find a writer I respect links to FG, doubly so when said writer doesn't link to the entire world. I remember when I first noticed I'd been added to the blogroll at Sunset Gun and how (as corny as it may sound) I was psyched, like I'd passed a test or something. The fact that I'm on the 'roll on awesome sites like Cinebeats and Sergio Leone and the Infield Fly Rule is some sort of...blogging honor or something, as far as I'm concerned. Those blogs are amongst my favorites. Would I not link to them if they never chose to add me? Of fucking course not. That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!

I seriously feel the blog bile rising after all this and I hate even bringing it up, but it's been bugging me for a while. Just write and be awesome and let it lie at that, okay?

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