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Monday, October 15, 2007

Eyegore, yougore...

Earlier this month I had the distinct pleasure of attending the Eyegore Awards with my super duper pal Amanda By Night. What the eff are the Eyegore Awards, you ask? Good question. Basically, it was a celebtastic way for Universal Studios to kick off Halloween Horror Nights; there was a little ceremony- err, excuse me, a little (and I do mean little) scaremony where a handful of genre stars received a little statue for reasons that remain vague- their contributions to the genre, I suppose?

At any rate, we saw Michael Berryman, Corey Feldman, Don Mancini (creator of Child's Play), Shawnee Smith, Sheri Moon Zombie, David Arquette (on behalf of his sister Patricia), and Rob Zombie (on behalf of Roger Corman) all win awards in the 20-minute lightning-fast, oddly subdued cerescaremony. There was hobnobbing before and afterwards; there was free booze- in which I couldn't partake because I drove to the event (dammit), but Amanda tied one on; there was free food but none of it was vegetarian so I was screwed there, too. However, attending the award show also got us free entry into the theme park that night, so off we went to face off against Freddy, Jason, and Leatherface.

Each movie maniac had his own large "maze" house- you wander through, and Freddies and Jasons and the such jump out at you. Standard stuff, but always fun. The houses were really well done and there was lots more to see we simply didn't have time for. Speaking of time, why am I wasting it recapping the event here when you can read a full report from me and Amanda by clicking right here? Boy, I'm inefficient- someone's got a case of the Mondays!

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