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Sunday, October 14, 2007

The Sunday Edition

Check it, yo: the nominee list for those 31 Willies Flicks- a whopping 180 films in total- went up at Ed Hardy's Shoot the Projectionist today. Git yerself over there and vote vote vote, then tune in on Halloween to see who takes the cake and who...doesn't. I'm pleased- pleased as punch, I say- that every one of my 31 choices made the list; I choose to think that this is because I have my finger on the pulse of everything that's cool and good and scary in the world of horror, not because I'm unoriginal.

Phase two of this Willies List project- the voting- is going to prove to be much more difficult than simply coming up with 31 films to nominate, because the voting is weighted. That means I have to rank my choices, and that seems impossible. I have a feeling I'm going to be spending a lot of time staring off into space and pondering (ha ha ha...get it? PONDERing? My name is a verb!) for this task. Damn you, Ed Hardy! Damn you!

In other other BIG FAT HUGE NEWS, I got to interview Elvira about her reality show, The Search for the Next Elvira.

Let me repeat...I spoke to Elvira. Trust me, I am not exaggerating in the least when I say it was a bit like talking to Jesus for me. Early on this October, your pal and mine The Retropolitan wrote all about the Mistress of the Dark in a post titled Why I Love Elvira, and reading his thoughts were like...uh, reading my own.

I have such fond memories of staying up late to watch Movie Macabre- I got to watch crappy horror movies (which sometimes scared me despite the crappiness) and I got to hear wisecracks and bad jokes from...gasp...another girl. Little Final Girl found a bit of a role model in Elvira, what with her love of all things spooky and her fucking impeccable comic timing, and getting the opportunity to actually tell her as much was priceless. Yes, I couldn't resist gushing a bit during the interview- honestly, it was all I could do not to simply giggle like a simpleton and blurt out "You're Elvira!" the whole time; had it been anything but a phone interview, I likely would have done so. I could barely contain myself whenever she uttered a word in her trademark inflection- and if you're familiar with Elvira, you know what I'm talking about: "haaa-larious", "hell-lo!", and "l-l-l-looooves", for starters.

Read it here, peeps...I'm still giddy.

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