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Friday, June 5, 2009

who likes art?

Really? That many people? Neat! Now, then: how many people like art and would like to own some?


Well, if you raised your hand, you're in luck. I'm having a...a...FIRE SALE on stick figure sketch cards- they're going for the low, low, LOW SO LOW IT'S INSANE price of $12 each, including shipping in the US. Yes, a mere $12 each...or 3 for $30!

Wow, I feel so Crazy Eddie right now.

Here's a samplin' of the type of card you'll get to clutch to your very own bosoms if you take me up on this offer:

To see more examples, you can totally click here. WOW I SAY. Subject matter is your choosing, and you're certainly not limited to horror movies or video games. If you want a card of your Aunt Ethyl, that's fine by moi.

I feel like "Ethyl" is the go to name for old aunts, but has anyone ever actually HAD an Aunt Ethyl?

Anyway. I'm doing this LAST DAYS LIQUIDATION SALE because post-production costs on Ludlow have skyrocketed. It's just typical Hollywood budget bloating- no longer satisfied with munching on peanut butter toast while I'm editing, I want to upgrade to grilled cheese. So help a bitch out and put me to work! You get some art, I get some grilled cheese. It's the right thing to do and the tasty way to do it!

Email me at stacieponder at to talk turkey. Paypal is totes welcome. Oh, and just in case folks don't know what a sketchcard is, it's...a card on which an artist sketches.

Ha ha ha! But really, they're baseball card-sized pieces of art, 2.5" x 3.5".

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