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Thursday, March 23, 2006

Final Girl Film Club

Welcome to the first meeting of the Final Girl Film Club...the film club for cool people. And man, do I mean cool. Don't you want to be a member now? No problem- I'll tell you how it works. It's just like the Oprah Book Club, but with less money and less influence- but with 500% more swearing, so it all balances out.

Basically, it goes like this. I'm going to give the name of a movie I've never seen before and a date on which I'll be reviewing said movie. I'll give plenty of time so anyone who wants to be cool and play along can watch the movie in the interim. Then when review time comes, the comments section here will be alive with activity! Everyone will have something to say because everyone will have watched the movie. Ingenious, I tells ya! We'll agree, we'll disagree, we'll call each other names, we'll cyber-punch each other, then we'll cyber-hug and laugh through our tears to ease the pain. If you've got a blog or a website, we can synchronize our watches and run concurrent reviews, even- much like Brennon Slattery and I did for Strange Behavior. Yes, that's right- we can all take part and discuss the movie choice. Won't that be fun? It'll be like we're all holding cyber-hands. It'll be like we're all watching it together, sitting on a giant cyber-couch eating cyber-Twizzlers and...well, you get the idea. "Cyber-" is the word of the day. Try to use it in a sentence!

See that photo on the left? That's the box art for the introductory choice in the Final Girl Film Club: the 1999 slasher flick Bloody Murder. Look, it's a guy in a hockey mask holding a chainsaw. What's not to like? For some reason, the mask and the chainsaw remind me of other horror movies I've seen. Hmm. Anyway, here's the blurb on the movie from Netflix:

Trevor Moorehouse isn't screaming bloody murder -- he's committing it! A dozen counselors arrive at Camp Placid Pines and receive a warning from a wizened landscaper: There may be a crazy man in the woods. Of course, they pay no attention until they start disappearing one by one! Has the urban legend come to life to wreak havoc on their dwindling numbers?

Ohhhh yeah. The movie can be found on Netflix right here for those of you who want to play along and get your movies in the mail. You may notice that Bloody Murder has an average rating of two stars; I, however, am not worried, homies. I laugh in the face of two stars! I give two middle fingers to two stars!

The movie: Bloody Murder
The review date: April 3

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