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Monday, April 6, 2009


I started writing...well, rants, or something, I guess, about how everyone is always cynical and cranky and no one seems to actually enjoy movies much anymore, even though more people than ever are making their voices heard and how that sucks and of course I realize that I myself have cranked out more times than you could count on, like, thirty hands but today my throat hurts and I'm suffering from a case of toomuchinternetitis, which means I should go smell some flowers or something and come back later when the negativity doesn't seem so tiresome.

In other words, maybe it's time for another one of these.

For now, though, I'm just going to draw your attention to a movie I'm really looking forward to: Walking Distance.

I can't seem to find any embeddable trailers, but check them out at other websites...I know, clicking sucks, but they're worth it:

Walking Distance: Black
Walking Distance: Red

I'm terribly intrigued. I have no idea what's going on, but I want to find out. Wow, mission accomplished, trailers! Adrienne King (Adrienne King!)! Reggie Bannister! Debbie Rochon! Shannon Lark! And did I mention Adrienne King? Those of you attending Fangoria's Weekend of Horrors in Los Angeles should catch the Walking Distance panel on Friday, April 17th. Otherwise, add 'em on MySpace for updates, if you're into that.

Yay, anticipation. I feel better already. Still, smelling flowers seems like a good idea.

Oh, and incidentally, my nightmares are decidedly mint chocolate chip.

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