Gather 'round, yon children, as the Final Girl Film Club takes a wondrous trip back to a time when black & white was where it wuz at and Sid Haig had a hairless face! Lo, my friends, let us watch and discuss Jack Hill's 1968 blackcomedisploitation classic...
SPIDER BABY! Or, The Maddest Story Ever Told. Hey, whatever floats your hereditary neurological disorder.

It's on Netflix instant watch and available for cheap in all the world's finest stores. Why, I got a copy on VHS for the low, low price of
one dollar! Or, The Maddest Price of One Hundred Pennies.
EDITED TO ADD: You can download
Spider Baby for free from the
Internet Archive. Now you have no excuse not to participate. For that, you can thank reader The Dreaded Rhubarb!
The film:
Spider BabyThe dude date (typo that stays):
Monday, April 12
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