It has been a fun month of bachelorette party ideas, including many incredible destinations, a week long look at Vegas, bachelorette party games, bachelorette party playlist, outfits to wear and much more.
A friend asked what was our favorite part of the month. Without a doubt it was the posts from our guest bloggers: Big thanks to Ava, Kerri, Lorena and Ashley!
At the end of the month, we're still deciding where we want to head--that's the delicious problem of having too many options. We're leaning towards Vegas, though Miami may prove the winner, unless of course, the decision goes to a wild card option. Wherever we wind up, you know we'll share all gory details--or at least all the ones that are fit to print!
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Monday, August 31, 2009
we are not amused
There came a point last night when I was faced with that dilemma which has plagued mankind since the very dawn of time- you know, when you sit on the couch late at night, all slack-jawed, thinking to yourself "I totally feel like watching something, but oh, whatever shall I watch?" Most times, I spend precious moments scanning my shelves (and my roommate's shelves) for a title to catch my eye, but then I end up watching nothing because I talk myself out of watching everything. This be how I do:
Don't ask how my brain wields hammers and/or sits down- just trust me when I say that it does. The point is, life is very hard when it's late and you're kind of tired but not really tired enough to go to bed and you want to watch something but you can't figure out what. Wait! Actually, the real point of this is that last night I watched the direct-to-DVD feature Amusement (2009), a film I hoped would keep me awake and wouldn't be so bad that I wanted to kill myself- yes, sometimes my standards are that low.
Oh, don't act so surprised.
Amusement is an anthology that's not really an anthology; in other words, the film comprises 3 segments which eventually come together in a big, fat, denouement. Not a bad idea. Then again, someone though Crystal Pepsi was a good idea. Which it was. Wasn't it?
Okay, I'm not going to lie: I've never had a Crystal Pepsi. I'm a Diet Coke fan, what can I say? But I saw one once and it was totally futuristic, so it must have been a good idea.

ANYWAY. As the movie begins we meet Shelby (Laura Breckinridge), a young woman going...somewhere...for...some reason or another. Look, let's not get hung up on the details, alright? You need to keep in mind the big picture, which is that Shelby is the passenger in a car driven by her boyfriend. Her boyfriend has an inexplicable boner for convoys. No, not the film, which might be understandable- I mean he's obsessed with being in a convoy, and he spouts dialogue which makes it seem as if 3-car convoys are what all the kids are into nowadays. Merr? The Boyfriend gets even more excited when - GASP! - the entire supermassive three-vehicle convoy stops for gas. Can you feel the excitement?
The Boyfriend introduces himself to one of the other drivers, The Nerd, but they're both ignored by the third driver, The Creepy Trucker. Shelby spots a bug-eyed girl in the window of The Creepy Trucker's rig, and it's obvious that something's just not right. Soon, though, everyone is back on the road, heading through the woods and the something's just not rightness gets amped up when the bug-eyed girl holds up a sign that says HELP ME. Moments later, she's somehow launched out of the 18-wheeler and splats in the middle of the road.

Et cetera et cetera, The Nerd is really the bad guy and he kidnaps Shelby. I'm serious when I say "et cetera et cetera". If I attempted to actually relay the happenings and twists and turns of the segment, all while trying to ignore a little something called LOGIC, my fingers would shrivel with exhaustion and you'd be holding up your own sign asking for help.
Cut to Tabitha (Katheryn Winnick), who shows up at her aunt's house for...some reason something (noticing a trend?). She finds her two nephews home alone- they claim the babysitter just up and left. This is a good enough excuse for Tabitha, who decides to stay the night. Soon, a mysterious stranger shows up at the front doorto let Tabitha that he knows what she did last summer asking about his girlfriend, the missing babysitter. Hmm...I get the feeling that something's just not right!
After he leaves, Tabitha settles in to her aunt's clown room for a little nighty-night sleepy time. What, doesn't every house have a clown room? This one is extra-special because it features a life-size clown with an eeeevil face. Oh, and he's alive.
He eventually chases after Tabitha, but her fate is unknown. Yours isn't, however: you've got another segment to deal with!
Meet Lisa (Jessica Lucas). Lisa is concerned that her cautious roommate went on a one-night stand with some dude from a bar and never came home. She remembers something about the guy, that he's staying in some hotel out in the middle of nowhere or something, so she goes to look for him.
Okay, I'm going to cut through half an hour of bullshit: the guy who runs the "hotel" is also The Nerd, who is also The Big Clown. He's lured Shelby, Tabitha, and Lisa to his headquarters to...exact revenge on them because, as we learn through a clumsy flashback, they did not find his 4th-grade diorama (in which he flayed a rat while it was still alive) funny. All of the scenarios he rigged to capture the girls reflect the subject matter of their 4th-grade dioramas.
Yes, Amusement ultimately revolves around 4th-grade dioramas.
AnyonetimeIdidaFrankensteindiorama, we come to discover that this dude apparently has built the entire town of Silent Hill miles underneath the farmhouse where he's keeping the girls. I can't be fucked to tell you any more than that, other than one of the girls escapes. The entire plot is built on the flimsiest of flimsy slasher movie-style 'revenge for childhood taunting' setups, and if you think about anything you're seeing or what this dude has actually done throughout the film for more than a nanosecond, your logic circuits will surely smoke, spark, and overload. That would be a bad thing.
I will say this: the three girls are decent enough actors. The dude, however, was far more irritating than frightening...and all you need to know about his performance can be summed up with this picture, specifically what's indicated by the helpful yellow arrow I added:
Tongue. See, that's how you know he's ca-RAZY!
Amusement was also nicely photographed, although it might have benefited from, say, 70% fewer dolly shots. But overall, it was pretty.
And pretty fucking ludicrous. Beyond pretty fucking ludicrous, actually...but I stayed awake throughout the entire affair, so I guess that's worth something.
- "I've seen that movie too many times already and I know everything that happens and I can't be bothered to labor through it all again at the moment" (Event Horizon)
- "I've never seen that movie and I'll review it one of these days but I know it's going to be dreadful and I just don't feel like dreadful right now" (Nail Gun Massacre)
- "It will most likely be good and perhaps even scary, but I know it's going to be a very, very quiet movie and I'll fall asleep within ten minutes and if I'm going to fall asleep I'd might as well go to bed because my bed is much more comfortable than our Golden Girls couch" (any ghost-flavored Asian horror flick)
- "I wouldn't mind watching that, but it's not horror and I really ought to watch something I can review on my blog, which has taken over every facet of my being" (Sunset Boulevard)
- "The Asylum...Maneater Series...Ghosthouse...After Dark...mehhhhhhhhhh" (any Asylum, Maneater, Ghosthouse, or After Dark title)
Don't ask how my brain wields hammers and/or sits down- just trust me when I say that it does. The point is, life is very hard when it's late and you're kind of tired but not really tired enough to go to bed and you want to watch something but you can't figure out what. Wait! Actually, the real point of this is that last night I watched the direct-to-DVD feature Amusement (2009), a film I hoped would keep me awake and wouldn't be so bad that I wanted to kill myself- yes, sometimes my standards are that low.
Oh, don't act so surprised.
Amusement is an anthology that's not really an anthology; in other words, the film comprises 3 segments which eventually come together in a big, fat, denouement. Not a bad idea. Then again, someone though Crystal Pepsi was a good idea. Which it was. Wasn't it?
Okay, I'm not going to lie: I've never had a Crystal Pepsi. I'm a Diet Coke fan, what can I say? But I saw one once and it was totally futuristic, so it must have been a good idea.

ANYWAY. As the movie begins we meet Shelby (Laura Breckinridge), a young woman going...somewhere...for...some reason or another. Look, let's not get hung up on the details, alright? You need to keep in mind the big picture, which is that Shelby is the passenger in a car driven by her boyfriend. Her boyfriend has an inexplicable boner for convoys. No, not the film, which might be understandable- I mean he's obsessed with being in a convoy, and he spouts dialogue which makes it seem as if 3-car convoys are what all the kids are into nowadays. Merr? The Boyfriend gets even more excited when - GASP! - the entire supermassive three-vehicle convoy stops for gas. Can you feel the excitement?
The Boyfriend introduces himself to one of the other drivers, The Nerd, but they're both ignored by the third driver, The Creepy Trucker. Shelby spots a bug-eyed girl in the window of The Creepy Trucker's rig, and it's obvious that something's just not right. Soon, though, everyone is back on the road, heading through the woods and the something's just not rightness gets amped up when the bug-eyed girl holds up a sign that says HELP ME. Moments later, she's somehow launched out of the 18-wheeler and splats in the middle of the road.

Et cetera et cetera, The Nerd is really the bad guy and he kidnaps Shelby. I'm serious when I say "et cetera et cetera". If I attempted to actually relay the happenings and twists and turns of the segment, all while trying to ignore a little something called LOGIC, my fingers would shrivel with exhaustion and you'd be holding up your own sign asking for help.
Cut to Tabitha (Katheryn Winnick), who shows up at her aunt's house for...some reason something (noticing a trend?). She finds her two nephews home alone- they claim the babysitter just up and left. This is a good enough excuse for Tabitha, who decides to stay the night. Soon, a mysterious stranger shows up at the front door

Meet Lisa (Jessica Lucas). Lisa is concerned that her cautious roommate went on a one-night stand with some dude from a bar and never came home. She remembers something about the guy, that he's staying in some hotel out in the middle of nowhere or something, so she goes to look for him.
Okay, I'm going to cut through half an hour of bullshit: the guy who runs the "hotel" is also The Nerd, who is also The Big Clown. He's lured Shelby, Tabitha, and Lisa to his headquarters to...exact revenge on them because, as we learn through a clumsy flashback, they did not find his 4th-grade diorama (in which he flayed a rat while it was still alive) funny. All of the scenarios he rigged to capture the girls reflect the subject matter of their 4th-grade dioramas.
Yes, Amusement ultimately revolves around 4th-grade dioramas.
AnyonetimeIdidaFrankensteindiorama, we come to discover that this dude apparently has built the entire town of Silent Hill miles underneath the farmhouse where he's keeping the girls. I can't be fucked to tell you any more than that, other than one of the girls escapes. The entire plot is built on the flimsiest of flimsy slasher movie-style 'revenge for childhood taunting' setups, and if you think about anything you're seeing or what this dude has actually done throughout the film for more than a nanosecond, your logic circuits will surely smoke, spark, and overload. That would be a bad thing.
I will say this: the three girls are decent enough actors. The dude, however, was far more irritating than frightening...and all you need to know about his performance can be summed up with this picture, specifically what's indicated by the helpful yellow arrow I added:

Amusement was also nicely photographed, although it might have benefited from, say, 70% fewer dolly shots. But overall, it was pretty.
And pretty fucking ludicrous. Beyond pretty fucking ludicrous, actually...but I stayed awake throughout the entire affair, so I guess that's worth something.
Sephora's Fall Line

A few weeks back, we went to a Sephora event showcasing the new Fall line and Kat Von D's fragrances which we are in love with! (She was a towering beauty in six inch heels covered in incredible tattoo artwork...and she smelled great from her perfume!) She has two perfumes, the "Saint" and the "Sinner", one smelling sweet and the other smelling dark. Both are rich and very feminine.

The theme of the makeup line is geared toward bringing out the femme fatale in every woman. The makeup will let you be a diva, a sneaky villain, or simply a hot number when you go out!
A few of our favorite pieces from the collection are:
• Doe Eyed Felt Eyeliner ($12) – A paraben-free fluid felt eyeliner which is easy to use and stays put for hours and hours,
• Colorful Mono Eyeshadows ($12) – A collection of 54 beautiful blendable shadows that can be applied wet or dry for both a sophisticated and a natural look,
• Tricks of the Trade Mineral Loose Setting Powder ($18) – this sheer powder gently absorbs oil and minimizes the appearance of lines and pores. It is extremely light which is important especially in the summer when you don't want your makeup to get cakey after a day of humidity and heat!
• Last, we loved the Perfect Complexion Brush ($35) – a complexion color-dipped brush, featuring a foundation brush on one end, and powder brush on the other. The bristles really pick up the color of your brush and powders, giving you a natural look.
The complete product assortment will be available in the Fall in all Sephora stores. Look forward to the leaves turning colors, because this line will not disappoint!
10 Sentence Review: The Final Destination

As I'd hoped (and as we all expected), the death sequences in The Final Destination are such a hoot that they're, like, supersonic and you can't even hear said hoots. Blood and chunks fly as Death makes good on his life-claiming promises- as you know by now, no one can beat him. This franchise has never been about character development or plot...the films have always been little more than a showcase for Death's grand design. Unfortunately, the folks behind The Final Destination have finally admitted as much, and the nonexistent effort put into the violence-free sequences makes this entry in the series the weakest of the bunch, Real D mayhem or no. There's still tons fun to be had, for sure, but it's glaringly obvious that sadly, Death is on his last legs.
3-D is awesome,
Maria Sharapova for Cole Haan and Tiffany

We're fans of the metallic gold satchel:

and the military-inspired boot

Maria also collaborated with Frank Gehry creating a pair of covetable silver and diamond earrings for Tiffany she'll be wearing this week (and presumably beyond). The shape and angles of the earrings are designed to reflect light.

Catch Maria, Venus, Roger, Rafael, Andy and more at the U.S. Open starting today.
Check out the t-shirt Venus Williams designed for the U.S. Open.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Chi Nail Bar & Organic Spa in Beverly Hills

For the West Coasters - here's a unique, full service nail salon in Beverly Hills: The Chi Nail Bar & Organic Spa. The owner, Fawn Ton combines her beauty knowledge from her mother, a beauty industry veteran, and her grandfather, a traditional Chinese medicine doctor. All treatments are use 100% natural ingredients and organic products. They're blended with natural soy products so there are no toxic smells. Your mind can rest easy that what you are applying on your fingers is healthy!
Maybe this explains how all the treatments help to rejuvenate the body naturally. When you go, you might bump into celebrities such as Jessica Alba, Penelope Cruz, Leann Rimes, Jessica Lucas, Heidi Montag and Regina King.
The spa offers a wide range of natural treatments - Caviar Pearl Facial, Jade Hot/Cold Stone Massages and hand/foot treatments such as Coconut Hand & Foot mani/pedi or the signature Himalayan Green Tea hand & foot treatment which includes Green Tea Soak with exfoliating Himalayan Pink Salt scrub and hot towel wrap with organic cream massage. We feel better just hearing about it...too bad we're in NY or we'd be there in a heartbeat!
Remember that time... first heard about the original version of Bob Clark's Black Christmas which, instead of detailing the exploits of a stab-crazy wackadoo stalking girls in a sorority house, was about teeny tiny naked chicks trapped inside glass holiday ornaments, where they doze the years away as they float forever in a red-hued negative zone?
Yeah, me too. I shuddered so hard.

what the crap
NYC Lounge The Gates For Fall Fun

We recently ventured to the Meat Packing District to check out the newest lounge, The Gates. We must say – don’t be sad that summer is winding down and outdoor bars will soon be a thing of the past. This lounge promises to be a fun, posh, and luxurious place to seek refuge from New York’s chilly fall and winter weather. The name isn’t just clever; the bar is literally kept private from the street by brass gates. Think castle meets party – gold lavishness and crystals vibrating to the sounds of great DJs who don’t stop playing until the early hours of the morning. Put on your highest heels though, because there is seldom a night where models aren’t roaming around. The drinks are pricey but the bar is long so you won’t need to bite the person in front of you to quench your thirst. And hey, if you’re not enjoying yourself, just walk outside and find another chic lounge to walk into. They’re all in a 3 block radius.

Head down during Fashion Week--we're sure The Gates will be a maje celeb and model hangout!
Bachelorette Party Ideas #31: Shows in Vegas
Once upon a time, shows in Vegas were synonymous with showgirls. Now, you can take your pick between the acrobatics of Cirque de Soleil, any number of singers, and, yes, showgirls.
While we're fans of Cirque, we suggest heading to one of the sexier, adults-only shows like Zoomanity at New York, NY. It's billed as the "Sensual Side of Cirque." We haven't seen it, but if Jeronimo (below) is any indication, you won't be disappointed.

We also recommend checking out Cher at Caesar's Coliseum. Despite her questionable fashion choices, the lady knows how to rock a house!

For years we bugged our SO to take us to one of Times Squares remaining peep shows. When he finally did, it was so gross we couldn't high tail it out of there fast enough. Chances are, the Peepshow at Planet Hollywood will be far, far more enjoyable. It currently features Holly Madison who transforms from Bo Peep into a "sensual woman" with the help of Peep Diva.

While we're not personally fans of magic shows--maybe we haven't seen the right one yet--we hear great things about Criss Angel's Magic. Hey, there has to be some reason he reportedly bagged a babe like Cameron Diaz.
While we're fans of Cirque, we suggest heading to one of the sexier, adults-only shows like Zoomanity at New York, NY. It's billed as the "Sensual Side of Cirque." We haven't seen it, but if Jeronimo (below) is any indication, you won't be disappointed.

We also recommend checking out Cher at Caesar's Coliseum. Despite her questionable fashion choices, the lady knows how to rock a house!

For years we bugged our SO to take us to one of Times Squares remaining peep shows. When he finally did, it was so gross we couldn't high tail it out of there fast enough. Chances are, the Peepshow at Planet Hollywood will be far, far more enjoyable. It currently features Holly Madison who transforms from Bo Peep into a "sensual woman" with the help of Peep Diva.

While we're not personally fans of magic shows--maybe we haven't seen the right one yet--we hear great things about Criss Angel's Magic. Hey, there has to be some reason he reportedly bagged a babe like Cameron Diaz.

bachelorette parties
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Bachelorette Party Ideas: 30. Shopping in Vegas

That photo was from our last trip to Vegas, for our friend Shawn's bachelorette party two years ago (Shawn's in red.). We went in April and stayed at Caesar's Palace. While most of the hotels/casinos have some shopping, none rival the Forum Shops at Caesar's, which we confidently call one of the best malls in the world. The stores include Nanette Lepore, Seven, La Perla, Longchamp, Burberry, Tory Burch, Pucci, Jimmy Choo and much, much more. Basically, name a designer and they have a store there. Word of warning: while the hotel and the shops are physically attached, it's still a trek. Annie actually wanted to take a taxi to the shops when she was going back for her second trip of the day (no dice).
If you have time--and a car and driver--a trip to the Fashion Outlets of Las Vegas on the California/Nevada border is well worth it. The outlet mall has high end stores along the lines of Burberry, Bally , Kate Spade and Tod's.
With any luck, you and your bride will find a sugar daddy to underwrite your shopping spree. (Kidding!)
bachelorette parties
We’re deeply saddened by the death of DJ AM. How tragic that Adam Goldstein overcame drug addiction for several years and survived an airplane crash only to die in an apparent overdose at the age of 36. We were big fans and even checked his schedule last week to see if we could hit one of his fall shows. He was a talent and will be sorely missed. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Web Snob Roundup 8-28-09
Stiletto Jungle features basic black wardrobe essentials for a steal.
Allie is Wired fashion face-off: Angelina Jolie vs. Jennifer Aniston.
Bag Bliss: Instyle turns 15 and celebrates with exclusive deals, freebies and a shopping spree giveaway!
Coquettesays, be sexy without going bare with dresses with hints of sheer fabric.
Fashion Pulse Daily just can't get enough of uber-cool West Coast eco-brand Spun.
KRISTOPHER is wanting, wearing, and hating Hermes Sac Mallette bags.
Second City Style believes sometimes it’s not what you buy; it’s what you kick to the curb. 5 Trends To Toss.
SheFinds finds the top options of all the best new fall shoe trends .
Shopping and Info loves these edgy Italian made rings. hunts down your body's best jeans.
Stylehive shows you how to get Leighton Meester's look in the the music video for Cobra Starship's "Good Girls Go Bad."
The Beauty Stop has tips for doing mascara right every time.
Want to know what's inside Tinsley Mortimer's carry on? The Jet Set Girls peek inside.
If new shoes aren't in the budget, give your wardrobe a new look with patterned tights!
eye4style is giving away a year's supply of Pantene haircare for 5 lucky readers. Enter to win here.
Allie is Wired fashion face-off: Angelina Jolie vs. Jennifer Aniston.
Bag Bliss: Instyle turns 15 and celebrates with exclusive deals, freebies and a shopping spree giveaway!
Coquettesays, be sexy without going bare with dresses with hints of sheer fabric.
Fashion Pulse Daily just can't get enough of uber-cool West Coast eco-brand Spun.
KRISTOPHER is wanting, wearing, and hating Hermes Sac Mallette bags.
Second City Style believes sometimes it’s not what you buy; it’s what you kick to the curb. 5 Trends To Toss.
SheFinds finds the top options of all the best new fall shoe trends .
Shopping and Info loves these edgy Italian made rings. hunts down your body's best jeans.
Stylehive shows you how to get Leighton Meester's look in the the music video for Cobra Starship's "Good Girls Go Bad."
The Beauty Stop has tips for doing mascara right every time.
Want to know what's inside Tinsley Mortimer's carry on? The Jet Set Girls peek inside.
If new shoes aren't in the budget, give your wardrobe a new look with patterned tights!
eye4style is giving away a year's supply of Pantene haircare for 5 lucky readers. Enter to win here.
Bachelorette Party Ideas: 29. Best Restaurants in Las Vegas
When it comes time to make dinner ressies, we suggest you chose a restaurant in your hotel or head to the hotel where you're going out that night and eat there. This way, you won't have to wait in the dreaded taxi lines in the middle of your night out and risk killing your buzz. Fortunately, the options are endless.
Lame as it may be, we do enjoy sticking with what we know in Vegas. On that note, we're excited to check out fellow NYCers' Mario Batali's and Joe Bastianich restaurant, Carnevino, at Palazzo. The name literally translates to meat and wine and that's about all we need to know. It's an Italian steakhouse, which practically guarantees that all the girls in your party will find something they'll want to eat.
Looking to branch out? Hit the stunningly gorgeous Bartolotta at the Wynn (below). It's an Italian seafood restaurant (apparently the Soprano influence in Vegas is still alive and well). We're pretty sure you could serve us up a bowl of dirt in the Alice In Wonderland setting and we would still enjoy it.

We've never even set foot in the Luxor before, but now we have a reason: Cathouse is part restaurant, part night club and 100% sexy. The bordello-themed space will definitely get you purring.

We're partial to a lunch at Mon Ami Gabi at the Paris. You can sit on the patio overlooking the fountains at the Bellagio while sipping a glass of pinot blanc and recover from the night before with a brie and spinach crepe. They also have a killer bloody mary bar on Sundays.
Headed to Vegas for Labor Day? Take part in Vegas restaurant week from August 31-September 6 to benefit Three Square, a charity that fights hunger in southern Nevada.
Lame as it may be, we do enjoy sticking with what we know in Vegas. On that note, we're excited to check out fellow NYCers' Mario Batali's and Joe Bastianich restaurant, Carnevino, at Palazzo. The name literally translates to meat and wine and that's about all we need to know. It's an Italian steakhouse, which practically guarantees that all the girls in your party will find something they'll want to eat.
Looking to branch out? Hit the stunningly gorgeous Bartolotta at the Wynn (below). It's an Italian seafood restaurant (apparently the Soprano influence in Vegas is still alive and well). We're pretty sure you could serve us up a bowl of dirt in the Alice In Wonderland setting and we would still enjoy it.

We've never even set foot in the Luxor before, but now we have a reason: Cathouse is part restaurant, part night club and 100% sexy. The bordello-themed space will definitely get you purring.

We're partial to a lunch at Mon Ami Gabi at the Paris. You can sit on the patio overlooking the fountains at the Bellagio while sipping a glass of pinot blanc and recover from the night before with a brie and spinach crepe. They also have a killer bloody mary bar on Sundays.

bachelorette parties
Q&A With Stacey Bendet

Stacey Bendet loves sequins almost as much as JSG's Hope. Her Alice + Olivia designs, just make us happy. Check out the Q&A with her on Cusp. We heart her even more now that we know her nickname is StacyPants and sake bombs are her weakness!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Remember that time...
...when the paramilitary commando dudes were going after the Red Queen when they accidentally tripped her defense system and suddenly the hallway they were all standing in had these deadly deadly lasers scooting down it, slicing up everything in their path? And then that one paramilitary commando dude was all ready to face the final laser, like, to jump over that shit or squeeze under it or something, and he was all, "Up YOURS, laser!" but then that eeeeevil, wily laser was all, "Pfft- up YOURS, paramilitary commando dude!" and it turned into a grid and diced him up real good? Yeah, that was cool.

And remember how the same sort of thing had been done a few years earlier in Cube? But when Resident Evil came around, the idea still was a bit novel...but now horror movie schmoes getting silently sliced and then slowly collapsing into a pile of grue-n-chunks is practically de rigueur? Yeah.
Anyway, my buddy JA of My New Plaid Pants has, of course, examined the sequences in Resident Evil and Cube before as part of his most excellent Thursday's Ways Not to Die series. You should check it out, if you know what's good for you!
Speaking of things to check out and knowing what's good for you, here's something else: Scott Weinberg, old friend of both Final Girl and darkness, has bravely gone and posted two massive lists: his top 100 horror and top 100 sci fi films. Mayhaps I'll do a big ol' horror list like that someday so people can get all riled up and call me a jerk for not including House of 1000 Corpses or whatevs. Oh, lists...why can't The Internet quit you?
Another thing to check out, etc etc: tonight- yes, TONIGHT- I- yes, I- will be- yes, BE- (okay that's enough, do-over)...tonight, I wll be a guest on The Graveyard Show podcast! It is something to which you can listen! It will be posted tonight: midnight, EST/9pm PST. I don't remember what I blathered on about, but I do remember that I had a wonderful time talking with The Caretaker. Perhaps this means you will enjoy listening...or not. I can no longer predict your reactions things- in fact, I feel like I don't know you at all anymore. But still, listen listen listen!!
One last thing: as you may have figured out by now, I am a huge fan of all things Resident Evil (although I wouldn't watch the second film again with ten-foot eyes) (whatever that means). It's no surprise, then, that when I saw a television spot for Avon's newest magical age-defying de-wrinkling serum or whatever the fuck it is, I immediately thought Umbrella Corporation. After searching for a picture of said serum online, I quickly discovered that I am not the only massive RE nerd in the galaxy. Behold, the truth behind Avon's serum! It's clearly a bioweapon.
I should warn my mom and gramma about this, lest they procure some and later transform into crimes against nature...although...hmm...that might liven up family functions a bit. Oh, what a dilemma I face!

Anyway, my buddy JA of My New Plaid Pants has, of course, examined the sequences in Resident Evil and Cube before as part of his most excellent Thursday's Ways Not to Die series. You should check it out, if you know what's good for you!
Speaking of things to check out and knowing what's good for you, here's something else: Scott Weinberg, old friend of both Final Girl and darkness, has bravely gone and posted two massive lists: his top 100 horror and top 100 sci fi films. Mayhaps I'll do a big ol' horror list like that someday so people can get all riled up and call me a jerk for not including House of 1000 Corpses or whatevs. Oh, lists...why can't The Internet quit you?
Another thing to check out, etc etc: tonight- yes, TONIGHT- I- yes, I- will be- yes, BE- (okay that's enough, do-over)...tonight, I wll be a guest on The Graveyard Show podcast! It is something to which you can listen! It will be posted tonight: midnight, EST/9pm PST. I don't remember what I blathered on about, but I do remember that I had a wonderful time talking with The Caretaker. Perhaps this means you will enjoy listening...or not. I can no longer predict your reactions things- in fact, I feel like I don't know you at all anymore. But still, listen listen listen!!

Dream Job: Pool Ambassador

Among the many careers we've dreamed about--concierge, pilot, cheese taster--pool ambassador never made the list. That's only because we never knew such a dream job existed, until The New York Post profiled Natasha Ferguson, the pool ambassador at the Thompson LES. From what we gather, it's Natasha's job to keep people happy around the pool by being friendly, changing their seats and helping the wait staff if necessary. Natasha even shares her own SPF when needed. Surely there's a marketing opportunity in there for an enterprising SPF purveyor.
Bachelorette Party Ideas: 28. Tao Group Bachelorette Coordinator

A couple of years ago, when we were just starting JSG, we met Kiki Kuzmerik while celebrating our friend Shawn's bachelorette party. At the time she was doing marketing for Tao, the mega-nightclub at the Venetian. Kiki has a larger-than-life personality, she's gorgeous, fun and super helpful, especially when it comes to getting into a great club and bypassing long lines.

She recently took over as Tao's Group Bachelorette Coordinator. She can put together the end-all-be-all party for you and your friends at Tao, Lavo, or Tao Beach. She designed the Bachelorette Guide which has a handful of great packages, from VIP passes and tables, to Tao Beach sunbeds and dinner packages. She can do just about anything to make your stay in Vegas fabulous even arrange helicopter service, butlers and bodyguards (helpful for some clubs), mobile spray tan (because everyone needs a good tan in Vegas), an erotic cake presentation, and a personal photographer. To get your own copy of the Bachelorette Guide or to plan the best party ever, contact Kiki at
bachelorette parties
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