It's not too late to enter the Bath & Body Works 1001 Reasons to Tell Us About Mom sweepstakes. Now through Sunday, anyone who shares a story or a video about her mom and her favorite fragrance will be entered to win a $1,001 shopping spree at Bath & Body Works. Not sure what her favorite scent is? Start her out with the Body Lotion Sampler.

Stop by the newly relaunched Spa Chakra Fifth Avenue in New York to meet June Jacobs, creator of June Jacobs Spa Collection, and her daughter Rochelle Jacobs Silpe on Saturday, May 9th from 12-4pm. In adittion to meeting the mother/daughter team, you and your mom can sip champagne and eat chocolate bon bons and will receive a June Jacobs Discovery Kit filled with samples of June Jacobs' yummy products. A selection of professional value-sized products, including this grapefruit shower gel, will be on sale to the public for this weekend only--a savings of up to 35%.

Also in New York--well, Brooklyn, to be exact--on Saturday, stop by the Carol's Daughter store to meet founder Lisa Price from 2 to 6. Lisa will be on hand to help select gifts for your mom. One of our favorites is the Pearls gift set. Included in the set is a eau de toilette and body cream with a lemon verbana, apricot and peach scent. The products come in a reusable jewelry box.

Lastly, this decadent duo by Sothys Paris will have your mother feeling great and her bathroom smelling like a spa. The Delicious Scrub has ginger, nutmeg and madarin essential oils and the Energizing Shower Gel has eucalyptus, cardamom, nutmeg and neroli.

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