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Monday, November 10, 2008

lawd love a list

Blogger B-Sol, proprietor of The Vault of Horror, recently posted a list of the Top 50 Horror Films, as named so according to votes by visitors to the website for media outlet HMV. As a whole, the list is a bit...unusual, and makes the horror snob in me want to curl up in a little fetal wad of self-righteous indignation. Then the prole in me beats up the snob in me and reminds me that, you, know, people like what they like and who am I to judge? Certainly my taste is questionable at times, perhaps more often than not. Then my horror snob self is like "Saw? Really? Of all time?" and then the prole punches the snob again and is, like, "The poll is about favorites, not bests, and isn't Jumpin' Jack Flash one of your favorite movies of all time? That movie sucks, so shut the eff up!". Then the snob is all "Ow! Quit fucking hitting me!" and I hope the prole listens, because frankly it's all giving me a headache.

Nothing fires up the flames of blogger indignation like a list, though, and nothing soothes that burning like the balm of the retaliatory list. As such, B-Sol called on the collective powers of the mighty League of Tana Tea Drinkers to get with The ListMakening: each member submits his, hers, or its 10 Best Horror Movies list, and B-Sol will get around to tallying them all to create a MASTER LIST.

Now, I'm never one to shy away from making a list, whether it's the best horror films, names I would give my dog if I got one, or stupid things you did today, so here goes. These films aren't necessarily my FAVORITES, although most of them would end up on that list as well- these are the horror films I consider to be the BEST. And dagnabbit, they're RANKED, which made the entire enterprise all the more difficult.
  1. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)
  2. Night of the Living Dead (1968)
  3. Psycho (1960)
  4. The Exorcist (1973)
  5. Nosferatu (1922)
  6. Halloween (1978)
  7. Alien (1979)
  8. The Haunting (1963)
  9. Suspiria (1977)
  10. The Ring (2002)
There. What's done is done. Now it's time for you all to curl up in your OWN little fetal wads of self-righteous indignation! BOOM.

In the interests of making this even longer, here are my almost-rans, unranked:

The Shining
Don't Look Now
The Brood
The Birds
The Thing
The Silence of the Lambs
The Blair Witch Project

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