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Friday, February 8, 2008

friday is fabulous!

Hey, I'm reminding you about the Dead Lantern Splatcademy Awards and how Final Girl is, like, nominated for a "Spooky" and stuff. If you'd like to vote know, whoever (a-HEM), then you should do so ASAP, as I believe voting will end soon. Seize the day! Tell someone you love them! Practice random acts of kindness and senseless beauty! Let me tell you about my grandchildren! My other car is a broom! Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy!

In other me news, there's a little interview with...uh, me up at AMC's Monsterfest Blog. So, like, go read it if you want to know how I answered some questions and stuff. Or don't. See if I care. Jerk.

In other not me news, I can't wait until April 8, when The Nanny is released on DVD. No, I'm not talking about the Fran Drescher vehicle series (although if I were, would you hate me?)...I'm talking about the 1965 film featuring Bette Davis as an eeeevil nanny. Did I just say "Bette Davis as an eeeevil nanny"? Yes...yes I did. Which is why I've already picked out an engagement ring and when The Nanny comes home I'm so totally popping the question. Do you think I should do it in a public arena, like at a sports game? I think the added pressure of public scrutiny might guarantee me a yes and The Nanny and I will soon thereafter be bound in most unholy matrimony!

The Fabulous Moolah agrees, this Friday is indeed fabulous. But then, every day is fabulous for The Fabulous Moolah because she is fabulous. Although, perhaps things aren't so fabulous now because she's dead. Or maybe...just maybe...things are even fabulouser for her now because she's dead. Think about that.

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