The remake of
Prom Night is gearing up for a 2008 release. Brittany Snow has been cast as Kim Hammond, the role originally made famous by Jamie Lee Curtis. Brittany Snow is apparently this person...

...and beyond that I can't tell you much, except I assume that mascara is one of her favoritest things evarrr.
Let's face it, a
Prom Night remake doesn't sound like a terrible idea- the original makes me sort of nostalgic (it's an '80s slasher, after all), but really we all secretly know it's not a very good movie. I mean, the killer has a fucking
to-do list. What the original has over the remake, however, is that bitchin' disco dance scene. I loves me a clapping circle and light-up floor!

Meanwhile, the cast list for the much-maligned
Halloween remake is just killer. Names attached include Brad Dourif, Malcolm McDowell, Dee Wallace Stone, Crazy Ol' Clint Howard, and...Adrienne Barbeau. I almost don't even care if the movie sucks with Adrienne Barbeau attached. I's Adrienne Barbeau. In a
horror movie. What more do you need? All Rob Zombie needs to do now to guarantee me seeing the flick in a theatre is to give Tom Atkins a role somewhere in there.
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