Those of you who've been around here a while may remember me talking about my stick-figure zombie comic
They Won't Stay Dead!...some of you may have even bought the damn thing. To refresh your memories, it's...umm, a zombie comic done entirely with stick figures and entirely without words, like so:

It also featured such classy scenes as an old lady zombie getting punched in the face, like so:

Well, kids, the stick figures are back and better than ever! I've teamed up, at long last, with my buddy Dirk Manning, proprietor of the awesomely awesome web & print comic
Nightmare World to craft a tale about werewolves-
stick werewolves!- called
Hungry Like the Wolf. Oh yeah, baby. And I don't mean no fancy schmancy David Naughton/
American Werewolf in London style lycans with the fingers stretching and the whatnot...I'm talkin' Lon Chaney staring at the camera and slowly getting hairier style lycans, chump. Witness:

Dirk came up with a great, fun story- and who doesn't love drawing little fuzzy stick figure heads? The story is eight pages long, with two pages appearing per week throughout April, beginning today.
Go right here and read the first two pages-
if you dare!Hungry Like the Wolf will eventually make its way into print as a flipbook, coupled with another stick figure story by me. It'll be ready for
Heroes Con in June where Dirk and I will be appearing together.
Yay! Toot!
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