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Monday, June 11, 2007

ugh...ugh, I say.

People, let's hold hands and console each other for a bit. I know that after my "I'm kinda back" post you were expecting some real content...and I was expecting to give it to you. So where have I been? Why do I suck? And won't someone think of the children?

See, my internet was supposed to be turned on last Thursday. When Thursday came and went with no internet, a call to the phone company resulted, basically, in an "Oh yeah, we totally forgot. Sorry, but we can't turn it on until Tuesday now. Peace out!" You've been waiting for posts and I've been sitting around with nothing to do- to put it mildly, the internet is vital to my work. I mean, a webcam without the web is just narcissism, you know?

I've watched a few things and afterwards I concentrated really hard and tried to send out reviews telepathically to all of you; I guess since no one commented you didn't get the messages. Next time this happens I'll try smoke signals or pigeons. Or midgets on scooters, maybe, delivering little mimeographed reviews right to your door. Why midgets? They're smaller and have less wind-resistance, so they'll be faster, that's why.

Fingers crossed the internet will "magically" appear in my new Super Secret Headquarters tomorrow...and in the words of Leprechaun 4: In Space, AT&T, this is for you.

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