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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Two sentences and a verdict.

I've seen several movies lately, but time and ennui have rendered me impotent with regards to writing big reviews. Therefore, I am writing these "two sentences and a verdict" blurbs...just to get them out of my system. Lame? Perhaps. If you don't like it, move to Russia!

Hee hee, "impotent".

In Memorium: In writer/director Amanda Gusack's 2005 feature, Dennis and Lilly move into a house and sets up surveillance cameras to document Dennis's battle with terminal cancer. Footage reveals that there are spirits-n-forces lurking around.

Two sentences: While critics have gone goo-goo over this film, calling it terrifying, brilliant, and everything they felt Paranormal Activity was not, I found it...okay. More plot, yes, but fewer scares.

Not goo-goo.

In My Skin: In this 2002 film, a woman grows increasingly fascinated with her body after suffering a disfiguring accident (that's from the imdb page, yo).

Two sentences: French writer/director/actress Marina de Van proves she's got as much to say in as outré a fashion as her male counterparts in this startling examination of disconnection and disassociation. I love modern French horror cinema, and holy fucking shit, I love this movie.

Yes yes yes, a thousand times yes, I can't wait to watch it again.

Shock Waves: After their boat sinks, survivors take refuge on an island that's soon beset by water-logged Nazi zombies.

Two sentences: This slow-burner of a movie combines many things I love: 1977, Peter Cushing, Brooke Adams, sogginess, and a Let's Scare Jessica to Death-ish narrated setup. I dug the moodiness, but it sure ain't gonna be everyone's cup of brine.

Enjoyable enough, but would I watch it again? WOULD I? Probably not.

S&Man: From the Netflix description: Exploring the parallels between filmmaking and voyeurism, director J.T. Petty aims his camera at the world of underground horror films, interviewing scream queens and scholars and finding one auteur whose snuff series seems all too convincing.

Two sentences (and some spoilers): Going off of that description, I thought this 2006 film was solely a documentary, and I was diggin' it big time...and actually questioning if the one "auteur" was, in fact, making snuff films. It is not solely a documentary- fact and fiction are mixed, and I done been duped.

Verdict: I really liked it, but I may have felt differently throughout had I known of the ruse. Oh, and FYI: it's pronounced "Sandman", not "S & M Man" or "Samperasandman".

noteworthy notes!

If yesterday's round up of The Initiation of Sarah proved anything, it proved that I need to choose another film for da Film Club...and so I have. I can't believe this puppy showed up on Netflix instant watch; I've been wanting to see this movie forever, and now there's nothing stopping me. NOTHING. People, let us partake in the glory that is the blaxploitation zombie flick...


photo courtesy of the ever-so-fine Cinebeats

Yes, the last Film Club gathering for 2010 (holy crap) will be this gem from 1974. I cannae wait, lads n' lassies. CANNAE.

The movie: Sugar Hill (1974)
The due date: Monday, December 20
What you do:
  1. Review the movie on your site. Add a link to Final Girl in there somewhere. If you've reviewed the film before, that's fine- but you must retrofit your review with a link to FG to be included in my round-up.
  2. Email your link to me at stacieponder at gmail dot com. Put 'film club' or some such in the subject line.
  3. Bask in the warm, glowing, warming glow of Film Club Day. Easy, breezy, et cetera et cetera.
In non-Film Club news, I figured I'd barf up a link-n-reminder about Diet! Diet! My Darling! know, that fashion doll slasher flick of mine that's in pre-production. I'm announcing some cool cast members and raisin' some sweet, sweet dough-re-mi over there, so check it out! Spread the love like it's a communicable disease!

Huh. Weird.

So, you know how I do this weekly cartoon called Toosday Toons for AfterEllen, yeah? No? Well, I do. There's a link to the TT archive in the sidebar over yonder, but maybe you never look over there. That's okay. I wouldn't, either.

Anyway, this week's Toon is all about Murder, She Wrote (that's right, my topics be timely!)...and while you may be all "Yeah? So?" with regards to that information (understandable, as this is a horror blog and all), I thought it might be worth mentioning. Why? HOLD ON AND I'LL TELL YOU.

Whilst drawing the day away, I couldn't help but shake a funny feeling every time my stick figure Jessica Fletcher appeared in a panel. I don't mean the funny feeling in my pants- that was expected. No, what I mean is the funny feeling that she bore a striking resemblance to someone with whom the horror crowd is undoubtedly familiar. Behold! Jessica Fletcher...

...with the addition of a simple prop, becomes...

Mrs. Voorhees!

Perhaps this is not noteworthy at all and it's just a demonstration of my poor drawing abilities. That's fine. However, it does create wonderful scenarios to imagine, such as Mrs. Voorhees riding a bike around Maine and solving mysteries, or Jessica Fletcher hacking up horny teens with an axe.Hooray!

Nine West Rock the Holidays Contest


Nine West is sponsoring the Rock the Holidays contest in which the winner wins Nine West shoes and tickets to see the Rockettes' Christmas Spectacular at the Radio City Music Hall.
Jemster by Nine West

 The "Jemster" is their featured shoe. Pictured here in Pewter (valued at $78), it would match just about everything in your closet for the holidays. Enter now through Thursday, December 2nd. Good luck!

Jen Aniston and Chelsea Handler's Thanksgiving Getaway

Man-we would have loved to have hear the chatter around the pool during Jennifer Aniston and Chelsea Handler's Thanksgiving getaway to Mexico! reports that the two, along with Jen's yoga instructor, brother, manager, and others rented a villa in Cabo over the weekend. For Thanksgiving they had turkey, margs and chips--beats sweet potato casserole! Jen, God bless her, looks like she needs no help from Chelsea's post-vacation body deflator!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Film Club: The Initiation of Sarah

As I more than intimated when I announced The Initiation of Sarah as this month's Film Club pick, it's as if the film was made just for me. Seriously, this movie could have been borne from the Stacie Ponder Edition of Mad Libs. Let's fill in the blanks!
In this MADE FOR TV movie from 1978, a shy TELEKINETIC girl exacts revenge on bitches who tease her at a COLLEGE where the most important things in life are SHORTS, THE BRUSHING OF HAIR, and THE RUSHING OF SORORITIES. The film stars KAY LENZ and Morgan FAIRCHILD and Morgan BRITTANY (who was a total JERK on DALLAS and so Stacie was prepared to DISLIKE her immensely, but her character here was actually NICE), which is AMAZING enough...however, there's also ROBERT HAYS of AIRPLANE! (one of Stacie's favorite movies) and TISA FARROW, who is perhaps best known for her turn in LUCIO FULCI'S ZOMBIE, but she's also known for NOT BEING IN ENOUGH HORROR MOVIES ACCORDING TO STACIE. THE INITIATION OF SARAH also features SHELLEY GD WINTERS, who turns in one of her patented over-the-top IS SHE DRUNK? performances.

The best part of the film may very well be the recurring shots of a SCALE MODEL of a HEDGE MAZE that is supposed to be the REAL THING. It never fails to be completely EFFING AWESOME. NEVER. There's a bit of SATANISM thrown in and plenty of the requisite ROBES, DAGGERS of DESPAIR, and CANDLES, but then there's also this unexpected undercurrent of GAY. Seriously. There are enough LONGING glances between the GIRLS throughout the entire movie that it can totally be read as some sort of journey to SEXUAL AWAKENING if you're all, like, into SYMBOLISM AND SHIT. It's gay enough to be the lezzie version of A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 2: FREDDY'S REVENGE. Sure, it's a bit of a rip-off of CARRIE (just substitute MUD and EGGS for PIG'S BLOOD) and in the end there's not much CARNAGE (though the end is still a total downer- it's DEPRESSING in the way all these TELEKINETIC REVENGE movies are), but there's no denying that SARAH and company were initiated straight into my HEART.
Film Club Coolies, yo!
Made for TV Mayhem
Betty Bloodletter
Film Shuffle
From Midnight, With Love
strange spanners
I Will Devour Your Content
Maynard Morrisey's Horror Movie Diary
Creature Cast
Cinema Gonzo

Holiday Gift Ideas: 2 from Louis Vuitton

louis vuitton monogram map square

So what if they're pricey--both of these Louis Vuitton picks are right up JSG's alley. First if the Monogram Map Square which features the playful Tahitienne print created by Marc Jacobs. If we had this 3-foot x 3-foot silk scarf in our life, we would frame it. It's simply to beautiful to wear.

Our second pick is the coffee table book, Louis Vuitton 100 Legendary Trunks. The foreward is by Patrick-Louis Vuitton and it features more than 800 photos and illustrations.
louis vuitton 100 Legendary Trunks
Both are available at Louis

Cyber Monday Deals

Gansevoort Turks & Caicos

Thanks to the folks over at Hotel Chatter for rounding up the best Cyber Monday Hotel and Travel deals for us. Included in the list? 30% off the rack rate at the Gansevoort Turks and Caicos--today only! Read the full list of Cyber Monday hotel deals.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sponsored Post: Nioxin Review and Giveaway

Hair thinning is a concern for women and men. Just as our skin begins the aging process in our thirties (even twenties!), hair also begins to change. While we're blessed with lots of hair, we've seen differences in the texture and volume of our hair; which is due to more than just the processes we've put it through.

We tried the Nioxin system, which is designed to help thinning hair. It consists of a shampoo, conditioner, and leave-in therapy treatment. Nioxin aims to thicken hair; but also strengthens it, prevents breakage, improves texture, and thoroughly cleanses your scalp. There are eight different systems to choose from depending on whether your hair is thin, medium, or coarse, whether its chemically treated, and how severe your thinning is. We tried System 7 for Medium/Coarse, Chemically Treated hair. The products are mildly minty smelling and left our hair smooth and manageable.

We have ten systems worth $40 each to give away to lucky readers. Please leave us a comment below then go to and leave us your email. Put Nioxin in the subject line. Thanks for participating!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Skin Care for the Holidays

Don't get so busy over the holidays that you neglect your skin. Between indulging in sweet treats and heavy comfort food, not too mention those special cocktail concoctions, your skin can suffer from dehydration, lack of rest and bad nutrition. Here are a couple of products we're using to keep on the right track.
Dr. Dennis Gross Extra Strength Alpha Beta Peel

Dr. Dennis Gross Extra Strength Alpha Beta Peel: this two step face care system has single use pads containing Alpha Beta Acids which have smoothed out our complexion. We're hoping they keep breakouts at bay and even improve the texture of our skin. ($85 for 30 applications at Sephora)
La Roche-Posay

La Roche-Posay Redermic Eyes + Intensive Daily Anti-Wrinkle Firming Fill-in Care: Your eyes are the best reflection of a good night's sleep; or more often, your overindulgence the night before. This refreshing cream is cool on application and promises to improves our crow's feet. So far it has also given our concealer a better canvas. ($38.90 at

This post was based on press samples.

MAC Limited Edition Collaboration with Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj and MAC
MAC and rapper Nicki Minaj collaborated on this limited edition lipstick which coincides with the debut of Nicki's new album Pink Friday.

The Pink 4 Friday lipstick is only available online at beginning this Friday, November 26th and is on sale for 4 Fridays only. This retro shade of pink sure would look great on the slopes this winter!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

R.I.P. Ingrid Pitt, 1937-2010

By now you've probably heard the terrible news that the lovely Ingrid Pitt has passed away at the too-young age of 73.

I'm not skilled at writing wonderful remembrances, but I find myself incredibly saddened by all this, far more than I would have anticipated I'd be.

Ms. Pitt was a horror icon in the truest sense of the word, the kind you just don't find in the genre anymore. Hell, she was a woman and an actress of the kind you don't find anywhere anymore. I'd never use the term "scream queen" to describe her, although if any woman could be considered horror royalty, it'd be her.

Just...damn. Like I said, I'm not skilled at this sort of thing, so I leave that in the hands of my fellow writers who are. Then go watch The Vampire Lovers or The House that Dripped Blood or The Wicker Man or Countess Dracula and raise a glass of red to the great Ingrid Pitt.

Holiday Gift Ideas: MAC Tartan Collection

MAC Tartan Collection
MAC's Tartan Collection is just in time for holiday gift giving. It's inspired by "a slightly twisted Tartan Tale to celebrate holiday, in all its posh, punk, ancestral, anarchic, noble and naughty glory." We love the way this collection marries punk and princess, so that you can change your look depending on your mood. Because we've all got a little of each in us, don't we?

The very wearable sets of glosses are on the top of our list (pictured above for $29.50 for a set of five mini lipglasses). Also include in the collection are eye shadow, lip and face kits, brush sets, and of course individual blush, eye, and lip colors. Available at department stores, MAC stores and online at

6 Twists of Tartan eye shadow kit is $36 for six cool colors.
A Lady and Her Tricks Buff and Line Brush Collection is $49.50 for five brushes.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Advanced Imaging Technology vs. Opt Out Day

The full-body scanners that were installed at most of the airports across the country in an effort to increase security by TSA are causing a fuss about personal privacy. The body scans essentially take an xray of the passengers, which are revealing especially if you're not as immodest as the two of us. For those who feel it's too invasive and/or against their civil liberties, they can choose to have a security official perform a manual pat down.

Brian Sodergren is so adamant that he's encouraging passengers to boycott the scans entirely this Wednesday which happens to be THE busiest day travel day of the year. An average scan takes ten to twenty seconds while a pat down can take four minutes. Imagine if the hundreds of travelers in front of you at the security gate chose a manual pat down! We commend Mr. Sodergren for his commitment; but causing a huge delay on an otherwise unbearable day of travel just isn't worth it to us. What do you think? Learn more at and

Holiday Gift Ideas: Charity Totes

This holiday gift idea is for your fashionable friend, who also likes to give back:

From left to right:
The Rebecca Taylor tote retails for $135 and 100% of the proceeds will be donated to the National Wildlife Federation’s efforts to clean up the BP oil spill in the Gulf. Available on Rebecca

The H&M Lanvin All for Children Tote benefits UNICEF and is available in stores starting today. Get yours quick before they sell out! 

$5 from every Gap Feed Bag goes towards helping improve school food and nutrition education in America. Available at the Gap for $35. 

Friday, November 19, 2010

Such apologies... you, my friends, for my lack of updates this week. Sometimes, it's how it goes, yes? Still, I know you must be aching and breaking in your heart place, and so I drew you a picture to assuage some of the pain. It's Michael Myers riding a shark who can walk like a man and shoot lasers out of its mouth vs. Jason Voorhees riding a bear who can fly and breathe fire, whilst Belial parachutes in, his allegiances unknown and his motivations unclear. Click to embiggen!

On Our Radar: W New York Hotels Not Home for the Holidays

Can't make it home for the holidays? The W New York is offering business travelers who are stuck in the city a Not Home for the Holidays package so you can avoid the epic journey that Steve Martin and John Candy made in Planes, Trains and Automobiles. It include two cocktails and a free room upgrade, plus a comfort-food room service menu featuring treats like butternut squash soup and mom's apple pie. And, for every package purchased, the W’s of New York will donate $25 to the Food Bank of New York City. While this package is themed towards business travelers, it works for your girls' trips, too. After all, comfort food generally makes a good hangover remedy!

While you're there, be sure to check out the W Hotel boutique's global glam collection!

Book on

Web Snob November 19th, 2010

Stiletto Jungle goes beyond basic black with the new work-appropriate Jimmy Choo Cosmic Printed Pump.

Allie is Wired covers the very pregnant Miranda Kerr covering Vogue Australia.

BagBliss chats with Kooba's Abbe Held!

The whole Prada bag at Bag Snob just works together magically.

Smoky, Sultry and Smoldering with Bobbi Brown at Beauty Snob.

Coquette picks her favorite limited edition makeup palettes that have arrived just in time for the holidays.

Fashion Pulse Daily guides you to the best picks from the LANVIN for H&M Collection

The Jet Set Girls wonder if you've got what it takes to be one of MAC's Fall 2011 models!

KRISTOPHER DUKES is wanting Tony Burch Leopard Silk Robe.

Manolo has realized two things about the movie My Fair Lady. Conclusion the First: Eliza Doolittle was the prostitute.

Second City Style thinks since it's almost holiday time, it's time to discuss dressing up the LBD.

Shopping and Info loves Angelina Jolie’s black Prada riding boots she has been wearing in Budapest.

The Beauty Stop takes a close look at LipFusion Plump & Replump Lipstick.

The Shoe Goddess needs these Christian Louboutin "Maggie" Pumps for those days when she wants to show off her inner diva!

V-Style: Personal stylist, Vanessa Valiente, let’s you in on the best slacks for your professional looks.

Happy Birthday, DC Ladies!

The DC Ladies is celebrating its first birthday today! I've enjoyed my year contributing news about family interests and travel (a fun diversion from my focus here at JSG). Please stop by and to see all things of interest to the DC woman and those beyond our DMV borders from fashion to cooking to lifestyle.

Cheers! Hope

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Kiehl's and Jeff Koons

This holiday season, Kiehl's is partnering with artist Jeff Koons to help children in need with their limited edition Creme de Corps collection. 100% of Kiehl’s net profits from the sale of each product will benefit The Koons Family Institute, an initiative of the International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children.

We're excited about the newest addition to the Creme de Corps line: the Soy Milk and Honey Whipped Body Butter. This time of year, our skin starts to show the drying effects of the cooler temps. What better way to hydrate than with an effectively hydrating and deliciously scented body butter? (8 oz. for $35)

Each of these products would make excellent gifts for the holidays!

The Tourist: Something Juicy to Look Forward To

After Burlesque, the next movie on our radar is The Tourist which features the two of the most successful and sexy stars in our book: Johnny Depp (sigh) and Angelina Jolie. The movie was shot in Paris and Venice, making the locations as gorgeous as the actors. The movie opens December 10th, 2010. We hope The Tourist lives up to the promise!

Preview courtesy of

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Virgin America Swag Shop

It's a rare airline that's popular enough they can sell logoed products, but after winning Best Domestic Airline from both Condé Nast Traveler and Travel and Leisure for four years running, Virgin America is certainly the one that can do it. Its new Swag Shop recently launched and is filled with hoodies, tees, and unisex iPhone, iPad, laptop covers and more. Plus, you earn 1 Elevate rewards point for every $1 spent. This hoodie is our pick--it looks cozy and comfy for cross country flights.

Hair Day Forecast

One of the trickiest things about traveling is figuring out how to do your hair in a new and different city. Is it going to be hot and humid? Cold and windy? And how do we do our hair in either situation? The new Brilliant Color and Beauty Today Hair Day Forecast takes some of the guess work out of it for us. You simply select your hairtype (straight, wavy, curly) plug in the zip code and you get a personalized tip to help your hair look its best, no matter what the elements. Why didn't we think of this sooner?

View the Hair Day Forecast.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Holiday Gift Idea: Kate Spade Taxi Mittens

holiday gift idea taxi mittens
Anyone who has ever tried to hail a cab in New York in December knows that the wait can seem longer than it takes for Verizon to get the iPhone. At least if she has these bright yellow Kate Spade mittens she'll be warm! Available on

MACMeOver Contest

MAC Makeover Contest

MAC Cosmetics is on the hunt for models for its fall 2011 color collection. They’re looking for women (and presumably men—hey, it’s MAC!) with Style, Heart and Soul. Think you have what it takes? Log on to and upload a photo, blurb or video to showcase your stuff. It’s no holds barred, but your entry must start with the words, “MAC me over, because…”

Monday, November 15, 2010

Chelsea Handler Talks Vacations

Hey, Chelsea! Ever thought about writing a travel guide? Between your hilarious retelling of your  Caribbean vacation in Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang, this classic travel tip from Are You There God, It's Me Chelsea and your genius idea you shared with InStyle, we would buy it!

In case you missed Chelsea's musing in the "On My Mind" column in the November issue:

"Would someone please invent...A Post-vacation body deflator? When I go away, I lie on the beach and drink margaritas all day. I always come back 3 to 5 pounds heavier."

Genius, we tell you!

Rent the Runway Adds Intimates and Headbands


Our favorite Rent the Runway just keeps getting better. In addition to new rentals from Judith Leiber handbags and Vera Wang, the site recently started selling Spanx shapewear and Hanky Panky panties so now you don't have to worry about what to wear under that pretty party dress. Plus, they've added headbands from Cara Accessories (shown), also for sale.

Now, if only we could figure out we could convince them to start selling us our favorite, gently worn dresses and the site would be perfect!

Friday, November 12, 2010

awesome movie poster friday - the TELEKINETIC edition!

My anticipation over The Initiation of Sarah for Film Club has got telekinesis on mah mind, y'all, which seems to be an appropriate enough place for it to be, I guess.

Anyway, that Patrick poster- you'll know the one- has got "Eye of the Cabbage" stuck in my head, sung to the tune of Survivor's "Eye of the Tiger". Hopefully, now, it is stuck in yours. You're welcome. That is some Pay It Forward shit!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


You guys, I'm super pumped about this next Film Club choice. I had no idea this movie was on Netflix, never mind on Netflix instant watch! OF COURSE I'm talking about the 1978 made-for-TV movie The Initiation of Sarah, which combines so many of my favorite things in the whole wide world: the post-Carrie world where young women had telekinetic powers, that mid 70s-early 80s trend where movie titles were frequently The Something of Someone, and a cast to end all casts! I mean, come on:
  • Shelley Winters
  • Kay Lenz
  • Robert Hays
  • Tisa Farrow
People, I am so all over this, I can't wait. Oh, The Initiation of Sarah. You had me at "the"!

The movie: The Initiation of Sarah (the 1978 version, not the remake!)
The due date: Monday, November 29 (that's right, two Film Clubs this month because I cannot waaaaait)
What you do:
  1. Review the movie on your site. Add a link to Final Girl in there somewhere. If you've reviewed the film before, that's fine- but you must retrofit your review with a link to FG to be included in my round-up.
  2. Email your link to me at stacieponder at gmail dot com. Put 'film club' or some such in the subject line.
  3. Bask in the warm, glowing, warming glow of Film Club Day. Easy, breezy, et cetera et cetera.

What Would You Do for a Free Hotel Stay?


If you have an exhibitionist streak, this may be your dream come true. Swedish Porn producer Berth Milton Jr. has proposed a new line of hotel where guests can stay for free, but—and this is a big but—you’ll be filmed and your exploits will be broadcast on the internet for all to see (or at least those who pony up the subscription fee). Milton told the New York Post he wants the whole operation to be “stylish and classy” and welcoming to swingers and nonswingers alike. No word on what happens if you don’t perform.