Every time I visit her blog, I expect the banner to say "Where horror movies are reduced, reused, and recycled", but it never does.

Unemployment. Somewhere along the 3rd month, sitting around wearing no pants just wasn’t fun anymore.
2) Please describe your blog in no more than 3 sentences. You must include the words / phrases "morbid", "aesthetic", and "electromagnetic".
Despite having an electromagnetic black background, the Horror Digest is not morbid. It is a blog devoted the aesthetic nature of horror rather than the nature of boobs.
3) Bearing in mind that opinions are subjective (except mine because I'm always right), do you enjoy movies that are generally considered "bad"? Why or why not?
YES. I love bad movies but only if they are good bad movies, like Showgirls (but only the version with digitally added clothing) and Wild Things.

Sounds like a good horror movie I just saw called Carnivorous Parrots of New Zealand. You should check that one that out.
5) What's the one- ONE- horror movie you love so much you want to stick it down your pants?
Oh boy. Ooooh jeez this is hard. I’m having trouble concentrating cause the woman using the copy machine just farted and I can’t breathe but ummmm ok if I have to choose…..Suspiria!
6) Adrienne Barbeau. Discuss.
If she could have just found a better babysitter than stupid old Mrs. Kobritz I would have liked her better. But yeah she’s okay.
7) Why should people bother to read your blog?
Because I like cats, potato chips and horror movies…honestly how can you go wrong?

8) Where does Jigsaw get all the money he needs to build all those traps and buy all that warehouse space? Better yet, does he have some sort of engineering background? He must, right, if he designs all that crap?
Jigsaw is what I like to call an asshole. Just because you have cancer doesn’t mean you can do that to people OK?!! He did tell me that gets his money from Google Adsense. I know what you’re thinking and the answer is-yeah, he gets a lot of hits.
9) Several theories regarding the reasons why people would subject themselves to watching horror films (when they're so, you know, traumatic) exist. Which is closest in line with your feelings on and reactions to the genre? Feel free to elaborate. Or don't, see if I care.
a) RELIEF THEORY: The unpleasant feelings of distress cause more stimulating feelings of relief when the unpleasantness passes- the stressed arousal caused by fear becomes pleasurable arousal later on.
b) CONTINUOUS REWARD: The excitement felt during the film is the appeal in and of itself.
1) Stereotypical gender roles are reinforced: men act as protectors, women need protection.
2) Violating social norms- watching "deviant" entertainment- is exciting.
3) Experiencing heightened emotions with others makes us feel like we "belong" and we're truly part of a group.
B. I refuse to elaborate because I have to pee.
10) Which year produced better horror movies: 1977 or 1981? Why?
Clearly based on my which horror movie would you put down your pants answer I will be picking 1977.
11) What the eff is up with those French and their crazy horror flicks?
Let me get something straight right now. I freaking love French horror movies. They are the new Asian horror and by far the best movies that are coming out right now period. You feel me?
12) What's your favorite Animals Run Amok movie?
Well I know technically they are arachnids, but Arachnophobia wins it for me. It’s pretty funny you guys! (and scary too!)
13) If Jason Voorhees is on a train heading east at 80mph and Leatherface is on a train heading west at 65mph…why the hell would anyone ever watch Rob Zombie's Halloween?
If a new Papa Ginos hadn’t just opened up across the street from me yesterday I would have answered this differently- but the answer is I don’t know man.
14) What are your funereal wishes?
To have John Landis read my eulogy which would just be a gigantic love letter to him from me. I already wrote it.
15) Why do I have such a fondness for Shelley Hack? It's not like she's really done much to deserve it, but there it is.
Because she’s a hottie. Plus she was pretty fab in the Stepfather.
16) You're on a sinking ghost ship that's being piloted by a witch. What are your last words?
I can’t answer this until I know whether she’s a good witch or a bad witch.
17) Asking about your funereal wishes and your last words means nothing, I swear.
Oh it means something alright. It means you knew what my funeral wishes were and that you wanted everyone else to know just how much John Landis cares about me. It’s okay, I understand.
18) Do you know where I can get some lye?
Depends on what you want to use it for. If you’re just looking to cure some eggs or pretzels, a food grade lye would be pretty easy to find as long as it’s meets the requirements outlined by the FDA. But if you’re trying to clean your drain out (which I know you are because you keep killing people in your bathtub) then you would need a lower grade lye which can be trickier to find. So no I don’t really know anything about that.
19) Weren't you glad when THAT JERK in THAT HORROR MOVIE got what was coming to him?
People really need to start cutting David Copperfield some slack. If you think doing a magic show on a moving train is so easy, then you try it.
20) Overall, what’s your favorite era of horror films?
The 70s by far. Groovy, beautiful, original, GREAT. Good stuff all around.
21) Would you rather be:
1) a vampire
2) a witch/warlock
3) a werewolf
4) a Frankenstein (and yes, I know technically it’s “Frankenstein’s monster” but “a Frankenstein” sounds better)
5) a Jaws
Jaws. I’m terrified of sharks so if I was one then maybe I could get over that fear. Hopefully I won’t be as stupid as that other jaws and gladly swallow a pressurized air tank. Dumbass. Also sharks have no enemies- except “killer whales or orcas” but I refuse to believe that Free Willy could eat Jaws that’s just….that’s just ridiculous!

22) If you could turn back time- if you could find a way- would you take back those words that hurt me, so I’d stay?
If you’re referring to when I said you were killing people in your bathtub then no, I meant those words. If you are referring to when I said you weren’t as cool as me then yes, I wish I could take it back.
23) What's something you want people to know about you or your blog that I didn't ask?
I once tried changing my background color to white and my font to blue. It didn’t work out.
Big thanks to
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