Because I am unoriginal, I have decided to partake in this challenge myself this year. However, since we booted 2009 to the curb and thus find ourselves soaking in 2010, I'm taking it upon myself to up the ante: 10 categories, 10 movies within each, finished by the end of '10. Not only is this more appropriate to the year at hand, but the "101010" in "101010 Challenge" looks like binary code, which is neat (but it isn't, which is sad). Also, this somehow ties into and satisfies my fetish for the AM radio station 1010 WINS, out of NYC (all news, all the time!). Don't ask me what that's about, because I'm not entirely sure. The best I can figure, there's something about the fake newsroom/news ticker that's constantly playing in the background that tickles me.
I've chosen my 10 categories. Read on to find out how this shit is gonna get all interactive, which is very futuristic and 2010-y.
1) 10 Italian horror movies - from giallo to gut-munching zombies, it's all fair game.
2) 10 black & white/classic horror movies - otherwise, I'll keep putting 'em off as they don't usually fit with Final Girl's "mission statement", though that's changed considerably since I launched this site.
3) 10 sequels - if you don't know what a sequel is, then you should go look it up.
4) 10 Asian horror movies - did you know that there's more to Asian horror cinema than ghost girls with long, wet hair? It's true! Or so they say...I guess we'll find out together.
5) 10 lesbian vampire movies - because every time you watch a lesbian vampire movie, an angel gets its wings...or so my gym teacher always told me.

7) 10 movies pulled from my 50-packs - I've got several of those cheap 50-packs, so this will help me crank through 'em a bit. Chances are, the movies will be pure crap, but that is the risk I take as a horror blogger, where life is lived on the edge.
8) 10 horror movies viewed in a theater - this will undoubtedly be the toughest category to complete, for I am a bitter, misanthropic recluse who rarely opens the curtains, never mind actually leaves the house.
9) 10 monster movies - same deal as with category #2.
10) 10 movies chosen by YOU - In the comments, recommend a movie for me to watch. From all the titles submitted, I'll choose 10 to satisfy this hungry, hungry category. I only ask that PLEASE, check my review list before suggesting a film; every time you nominate something I've already reviewed, an angel gets punched in the face.
There you go, homeslices, the categories for the 101010 Challenge. Wait, I like this name better: OPERATION: 101010. As I noted, it sounds vaguely binary...the addition of "operation" makes it seem as if I'll be parachuting into the jungle to watch these movies. While wearing a headband.
And brandishing an AK-47.
And singing "When Will I See You Again" by The Three Degrees.
Ooooh, precious moments....
EDITED TO ADD: Though this may be foolhardy, I'm going to put movies in one category only. For example, if I watch Onibaba, I wouldn't count that towards Asian AND black & white. Only one or the other. So there.
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