And find out, I'm almost ashamed to admit, I shall. The film, which opens on September 11, is likely to be a trainwreck, but I don't really care. Why? Well, I'm a fan of the original, which is usually good motivation to stay away from a remake- oddly enough that's not true for me this time. In fact, I'm hoping that Sorority Row will help facilitate a re-release of the original on DVD, 'cause it's out of print, hard to find, and wicked expensive.
I'm also a fan of movies where friends swear to keep a secret and it comes back to bit them in the ass, ie kill them. I can't explain it- that plot is simply one of those tried-n-true formulas that endlessly entertains me.
Also, Carrie Fisher as house mother. That alone is reason enough!
So, are you going to see it? Are you even looking forward to it maybe just a little bit? It's okay, you can share. We're all friends here.
Okay, someone might laugh at you. But I swear, it'll be because of what you're wearing, not because of your taste in horror cinema.
Oh, and incidentally, when I use "s/he" to describe the killer, I don't mean "he-she".
Or do I?
UPDATE! Through the mighty power of Twitter, a kind cyberfriend clued me in that YES, House on Sorority Row is getting a 25th Anniversary DVD release in November. Yarrrrr! Why, it looks as if they're even using the sleazy original poster art for the cover, which is rarer than a unicorn with two horns! Yarrrrr x 10!

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