I'm hip deep in the big fat season finale of Ghostella's Haunted Tomb: writing, shooting, and now editing it has taken up most of my last couple of weeks. As such, this site is a little malnourished, which saddens me considering it's October and October is the most wonderful time of the year. Rest assured, however, that when all is revealed you'll be surprised, pleased, and positively wetting your pants with delight! You won't believe your eyes! Seriously, you'll be all "Oh eyes, why the eff are you lying to me?" and your eyes will be, like, "Dude, I'm just looking at what's really there!" and you'll be all "Huuuuunh?" like Scooby-Doo style. Won't that be fun? See, I've got a special guest star I still can't quite believe despite the fact that I'm watching the footage.
Is that tantalizing enough?
But! Let us stop talking about that future and start talking about another future- that is, the Final Girl Film Club and its next installment! Strait-Jacket was a rousing success last go-round, so I figure this time let's go for something at the opposite end of the spectrum! Let's go (metaphorical) balls out with the smut! Let's go for the 1974 Italian Exorcist knockoff...
The Antichrist!

The DVD box boasts that this cut contains the fully restored "notorious goat orgy scene"...lemme tell you right now, right up front, that I have no idea what that entails. If we all hold hands, though, I'm sure we'll make it through The Antichrist together, and we'll be all the stronger for it! It's time to get sleazy up in here!
The movie: The Antichrist
The due date: Monday, November 17
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