October is approaching fast, kiddies, and I, for one, cannot wait. I have no idea yet what kind of
SHOCKtober shenanigans I'll be cooking up around these parts- suggestions are welcome- but it'll surely be rad. It's the most wonderful time of the year, am I right?
Set the Wayback Machine to AWESOME and grab yourself a copy of next month's Film Club selection:

Yes, people, a movie combining the magical magic of Joan Crawford, William Castle, and axe murders actually exists! And we will all hold cyber-hands and watch it together, and then we will have a big cyber-wedding because UNDOUBTEDLY everyone will want to marry this movie when it's all over.
Netflixites can
click here to queue that shit up.
The film: Strait-JacketThe due date: Monday, October 6

Get outta here already, September!
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