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Monday, March 3, 2008

...but where's the Master of Unlocking?

Months after everyone in the world has forgotten about it, I finally managed to catch Resident Evil: Extinction. I found it to be a bit like a pink, polka-dotted shortbus made out of candy, full of zombie passengers. In other words...other words that might make slightly more sense, a popcorny good time. Sure, it's ridiculous and it cribs from quite a few superior films...but it's nothing if not turn-your-brain-off style fun. I was gonna say that you really can't go wrong with Milla Jovovich doing crazy stunts and kicking ass, but then I remembered Resident Evil: Apocalypse which, in fact, went very, very wrong. Like, I'm punching myself in the face because it's way more enjoyable than this movie wrong. I guess I should be thankful that Extinction didn't make me want to hurt myself at all.

"The Bomb", as the kids say

What really got me jazzed, though, was found on the DVD's special features: a trailer for Resident Evil: Degeneration, a CG movie due out sometime this year. Degeneration is set in the world of the games- in fact, it takes place 7 years after the events of Resident Evil 2 and 3 and features (at least) Leon and Claire. It's enough to give my geeky, Resident Evil-lovin' heart the palpitations! Where's my fainting couch?

I do not care one whit- not one whit, I say- that it's all computer generated; quite frankly, it's got me more excited than 96.4% of the horror movie trailers currently circulating on the airwaves, which is awesome. It's also rad that Capcom is throwing a bone to all the nerds of the world who have seen the RE movies and can't get over that they're not like the games.

Tentative release date: October 2008
Tentative Final Girl sports big stupid grin date: October 2008

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