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Saturday, October 6, 2007

Day 6- "Beware the moon, lads."

Sorry, kids, just a quickie today. I'm about to head out to Shriekfest, wherein I'll be taking in some of the finest indie horror in da woild. Yay!

I wanted to give a shout out to John Landis's An American Werewolf in London (1981), though, before I split. I'm not a huge werewolf fan, but I'm a huge fan of this film- it's quite a masterful blend of horror and comedy, but the humor is dark enough that it ends up being more scary than funny, unlike, say, Shaun of the Dead (which I love, BTdubb).

The werewolf stalking sequences are downright terrifying- particularly the scene early on where David (David Naughton) and Jack (Griffin Dunne) wander off into the moors, despite being warned by the weirdo locals to "Stick to the roads".

Rick Baker's amazing effects- most famously shown off in the lengthy transformation sequence- make me pine for the days when movie monsters were made of yak hair and latex instead of pixels and nothing.

You know, there's a 'Slaughtered Lamb' pub in New York. I frequented it many times- they've got an unbelievable beer selection. Every time I went, I hoped the place would be full of cranky British types who were extremely superstitious and would warn me of vague dangers, but every time I only found a disinterested New York waitstaff and a bunch of hipsters. Once I had a booth by a window, though, and I saw a drunk guy on the street pee his pants, which may in fact be more frightening than being chased by werewolves.

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