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Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Alice and Olivia Charity T-Shirts
When fashion benefits one of our favorit charities, it's always a win-win. Check out these new Awesome T-shirts from Alice + Olivia. 100 percent of the profits go towards the Children's Defense Fund. The idea behind the shirt is to remind that: giving back is awesome. We couldn't agree more.
The shirts are $88 and are available at Alice +
Britney Spears' Line at Kohl's
When we first heard about Britney Spear's designing a line of Candies' clothes and accessories for Kohl's, we were tempted to laugh. But then, we rememberd how much we like Lauren Conrad's collection, so maybe we should give it a shot. BettyConfidential gives us the inside look at Britney Spear's line for Kohl's.
Ojon Leave-in Glossing Cream
We're big fans of Ojon's natural hair care products, especially their dry shampoo. Our latest discovery is the Ojon Leave-in Glossing Cream which can be used on damp hair as a styling cream to add shine and control, or on dry hair as a finishing cream to add texture. We loved the scent (somewhere between nutty and vanilla); the way it control our static and flyaways; and the smoothness and shine on our ends.
You can find Ojon's Glossing Cream at Sephora, Ulta, QVC and $30 for 4.25 oz.
You can find Ojon's Glossing Cream at Sephora, Ulta, QVC and $30 for 4.25 oz.
Kim Vo's Hair Travel Tips
The other week, we had the chance to interview celeb colorist Kim Vo about his styling secret for girls on the go:
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Coach Poppy
Although simply put, they are just scents, fragrances have distinct personalities and just like best friends, the personalities of a perfume must match that of the wearer.
The Coach Poppy handbag collection embodies youthfulness, color and a vibrancy. Coach’s new Poppy fragrance complements all parts of the collection so perfectly that it essentially captures its youthful essence in a bottle. I’m lucky to have gotten a sneak peek at the fragrance although it will officially launch in July, 2010.
The fragrance has many layers but its main identity is fruity and floral. At first whiff, it opens with the smell of juicy cucumber flower petals and mandarin top notes. Then it goes deeper to give a candied red rose petal and creme brulee flavor and finally leaves you with a delicious woody smell of whipped marshmallow.
Coach’s Poppy Fragrance is deep and lasting yet fruity and punchy, which makes it a great summer spritz. Created to embody the Poppy girl, you don’t have to be young to wear this fragrance, just young at heart.
Available starting July 2010 at Coach stores at $60 for a 1.7 ounce bottle.
Contributed by The Stylester.
This review was based on a free sample.
Easy Travel Dresses
Casual dresses are great for travel, because they're easy to pack and accessorize. We're always on the lookout for ones that don't wrinkle and are cute but comfortable. On her recent trip to Chicago, Hope wore a little black Michael Kors dress on her eight hour bike tour of the city. It looked great at lunch, as a beach coverup, and even at the Cubby Bear for a mid-afternoon beer break. Activewear companies have taken notice and designed technical dresses with good looks. Here are a few we found:
Merrill Lily dress with UV sun protection, quick dry material and built in shelf bra. $55
Athleta's Sundry dress is a travel-girl's dream, it comes in six colors, is made of moisture wicking Tectel, and can be worn three different ways: as a halter, strapless, or as a skirt. It's perfect apres beach or just window shopping in the afternoon on Lincoln Road. $59
Merrill Lily dress with UV sun protection, quick dry material and built in shelf bra. $55
Patagonia's Corinne Dress has great style and quick dry nylon fabric. $75
A Peek Inside Carolyn O'Neil's Carry On
On our recent girls' getaway press trip to Montreal, we had the pleasure of traveling with the oh-so chic Carolyn O'Niel (That's her, far right.). In addition to travel writing for the Atlanta Journal and Constitution, among other publications, Carolyn is also a registered dietitian the author of The Dish: On Eating Healthy and Being Fabulous!
Here's what's in Carolyn's carry on:
Even though I check a bag when I travel, my carry on is my life line just in case my luggage is lost or I need something en route.
I always have a
1. A black cashmere cardigan.
2. A neutral toned grey/gold/cream large pashmina scarf which matches everything to add an extra layer on a flight or dash of fashion on arrival!
3. A Cole Hahn rain jacket with hood, which folds up into its own little pouch.
4. Digital camera...just in case something exciting happens or I spot a food trend!
5. Moleskine notebook
6. Today's newspaper...really!
7. A copy of this month's Journal of the American Dietetic Association. I am a food/nutrition writer and need to keep up on the latest science.
8. Travel cosmetics I can't be without include: Aquaphor healing ointment for cuts, dry skin and perfect to protect heels if wearing new shoes; Pond's Cold Cream - women in my family have been using it as makeup remover for four wrinkle-free generations!
Magnifying mirror to see myself better and ensure correctly placed lip liner and eyeliner, sunscreen with at least SPF 30, I like Neutrogena.
Chanel lipsticks in rouge and lip gloss to tone down the red! Chanel powder compact.
9. Almonds or walnuts to snack on.
10. If I really feel at risk of losing luggage ( ie. tight connections ) I throw in a jersey knit black dress and dressy flats to wear to dinner with the pashmina and black cardigan!
carry on
Monday, June 28, 2010
Film Club: It's Alive
If you've been here for any length of time, then surely you've heard me tell the fascinating tale of how the poster for It's Alive gave me nightmares after my mom and I walked by it as it hung outside of a movie theater. In case you haven't yet heard the tale...well, that's pretty much it. We walked by it, and later on it gave me nightmares. See? Fascinating.
Despite my relationship with the poster...despite my having a horror blog...despite the fact that it's been around for decades, I'd never seen this 1974 film before last night. Wow, Film Clubbers! Today I feel so much closer to It's Alive- and to you.
But! Do I mean "closer" in a good way? I'll spare you the suspense: yes. Yes, I do. In fact, I liked It's Alive far more than I probably should have. As I watched it, my brain was in this marvelous state: you know the one- the one that makes things which are not profound whatsoever seem totally profound. It's that same place your 7th-grade mind went, when you totally got all the deep meaning in songs by, like, Nena and to prove your connection to that which actually means nothing at all, you would write the lyrics all over your math book cover.
Or maybe that's just me. Regardless, consider this post my math book cover; I'm not sure what was happening in my brain place, but last night I was all "Wow, It's Alive isn't just a horror movie about a homicidal mutant baby, it's an indictment on the modern family! Or is it? It is! And it's an indictment of the pharmaceutical manufacturing industries! Wow." In the cold light of the day after, I don't know how right I was. What I do know for sure is that I enjoyed the hell out of It's Alive and I only feel a little bit wrong about it.
The film begins as Lenore Davis (Sharon Farrell) goes into labor with her second child. Her husband Frank (John P. Ryan) drives her to the hospital and waits alongside other men who are about to become fathers. In the delivery room, Lenore begins to have some difficulty. Her first child popped out in under an hour, and it didn't feel like...this! The doctor assures her that everything is fine- well, save that the baby must be an 11-pounder.
At this point, I would like to take a time out to mention that nothing that weighs 11 pounds should ever come out of a vagina, ever. EVER.
I'm sure plenty of you out there have children, and perhaps some of those children were that large at birth. Maybe- just maybe- you were a child once yourself, and when you came out of your mom's vagina you weighed that much. I just...the whole childbirth thing is beyond me. I mean, I get it; I understand the concepts and all that, but the mechanics of birthing? They make no sense to me. At all. I will summarize it thusly: there are limits. Let it suffice to say, I was sympathizing somethin' awful with Mrs. Davis.
When it finally emerges, the baby lays waste to everyone in the room save his mama. Doctors and nurse lay scattered about, their throats torn open. Baby, thou art loosed!
As the Davises deal with the repercussions of bringing a homicidal mutant baby into the world- you know, stuff like job loss, nosy nurses looking to cop a scoop, reporters at every turn- said baby gets his nom-nom on. As mutant baby-cam shows, perhaps the poor young thing is cranky because he needs glasses. Bad eyesight can lead to headaches, which can lead to irritation.
That woman, by the way? The one who's about to be a victim? She had on the most fabulous white go-go boots you could ever hope to see. I am just saying.
The police want to kill the baby before it completely decimates the city of Santa Monica. Frank is fine with that; in fact, he continually stresses that the baby isn't really his- not in a my wife obviously had an affair with Xtro kind of way, but rather in a I refuse to believeit's not butter that I made that thing kind of way. You can't really blame him.
The medical community, on the other hand, wants to capture the baby alive in order to study it and attempt to figure out why it's so mean and gross.
So, the baby does his thing (he kills people), everyone tries to find it, and Lenore kind of loses her shit. When the baby makes his way home, Frank shoots it up but good. Well, not good dead, but good enough so that junior leaves a trail of blood during his escape. Everyone tracks it down, and Frank has a change of heart. He realizes that even though his son is a hideous, homicidal freak of nature, it's still his son. But it's too late! There's no happy ending for the Davises. I mean, there kind of is because they no longer have to worry about raising a mutant...but it's still sad.
Somehow, It's Alive isn't quite as schlocky as you'd think a movie about a ridiculous-looking mutant monster baby would be. Writer/director Larry Cohen wisely keeps the child in the shadows, only giving us a glimpse here and there of a giant fang, a giant eye, giant claws, or a giant forehead. It's pretty hokey, sure, but too much would have made this movie an all-out laugh riot. The effects are all low-budget, in fact. Earlier I said "throats ripped out" when describing the hospital room massacre; well, the reality is not nearly as gruesome- some blood shows up on some necks and that's about it.
Is it scary? Theoretically, sure. In actuality...not so much. Truth be told, there's not that much action here. The baby hangs out in dark corners, we get some mutant-cam, someone dies. The majority of the film focuses on the Davises- how they're coping or not coping, etc. It's more their story than a monster movie, really. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but nor is it what you might expect.
As for my late-night philosophizing and all that, well, I suppose maybe you could look at It's Alive as a prime example of societal attitudes in the post-1960s, as the Leave It to Beaver-style notions of the ideal family became antiquated. The "me" generation was about to take hold, and white picket fences were no longer the be all, end all. Maybe Cohen is examining changing attitudes about families in the film...or maybe I'm just reading way too much into the fact that Frank makes an off-the-cuff comment about how lucky single people are and the baby kills a milkman. Eh. I like finding depth where perhaps there is none. Otherwise, It's Alive is just a movie about a killer mutant baby and-- wait, that's awesome enough.
Film Club Coolies, Y'all!
Movie Bullstuff
Banned in Queensland
From Midnight, With Love
The House of Sparrows
Innocent Donuts
emma blackwood
Pussy Goes Grrr
The Verdant Dude

But! Do I mean "closer" in a good way? I'll spare you the suspense: yes. Yes, I do. In fact, I liked It's Alive far more than I probably should have. As I watched it, my brain was in this marvelous state: you know the one- the one that makes things which are not profound whatsoever seem totally profound. It's that same place your 7th-grade mind went, when you totally got all the deep meaning in songs by, like, Nena and to prove your connection to that which actually means nothing at all, you would write the lyrics all over your math book cover.
Or maybe that's just me. Regardless, consider this post my math book cover; I'm not sure what was happening in my brain place, but last night I was all "Wow, It's Alive isn't just a horror movie about a homicidal mutant baby, it's an indictment on the modern family! Or is it? It is! And it's an indictment of the pharmaceutical manufacturing industries! Wow." In the cold light of the day after, I don't know how right I was. What I do know for sure is that I enjoyed the hell out of It's Alive and I only feel a little bit wrong about it.
The film begins as Lenore Davis (Sharon Farrell) goes into labor with her second child. Her husband Frank (John P. Ryan) drives her to the hospital and waits alongside other men who are about to become fathers. In the delivery room, Lenore begins to have some difficulty. Her first child popped out in under an hour, and it didn't feel like...this! The doctor assures her that everything is fine- well, save that the baby must be an 11-pounder.
At this point, I would like to take a time out to mention that nothing that weighs 11 pounds should ever come out of a vagina, ever. EVER.
I'm sure plenty of you out there have children, and perhaps some of those children were that large at birth. Maybe- just maybe- you were a child once yourself, and when you came out of your mom's vagina you weighed that much. I just...the whole childbirth thing is beyond me. I mean, I get it; I understand the concepts and all that, but the mechanics of birthing? They make no sense to me. At all. I will summarize it thusly: there are limits. Let it suffice to say, I was sympathizing somethin' awful with Mrs. Davis.
When it finally emerges, the baby lays waste to everyone in the room save his mama. Doctors and nurse lay scattered about, their throats torn open. Baby, thou art loosed!

The police want to kill the baby before it completely decimates the city of Santa Monica. Frank is fine with that; in fact, he continually stresses that the baby isn't really his- not in a my wife obviously had an affair with Xtro kind of way, but rather in a I refuse to believe
The medical community, on the other hand, wants to capture the baby alive in order to study it and attempt to figure out why it's so mean and gross.
So, the baby does his thing (he kills people), everyone tries to find it, and Lenore kind of loses her shit. When the baby makes his way home, Frank shoots it up but good. Well, not good dead, but good enough so that junior leaves a trail of blood during his escape. Everyone tracks it down, and Frank has a change of heart. He realizes that even though his son is a hideous, homicidal freak of nature, it's still his son. But it's too late! There's no happy ending for the Davises. I mean, there kind of is because they no longer have to worry about raising a mutant...but it's still sad.

Is it scary? Theoretically, sure. In actuality...not so much. Truth be told, there's not that much action here. The baby hangs out in dark corners, we get some mutant-cam, someone dies. The majority of the film focuses on the Davises- how they're coping or not coping, etc. It's more their story than a monster movie, really. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but nor is it what you might expect.
As for my late-night philosophizing and all that, well, I suppose maybe you could look at It's Alive as a prime example of societal attitudes in the post-1960s, as the Leave It to Beaver-style notions of the ideal family became antiquated. The "me" generation was about to take hold, and white picket fences were no longer the be all, end all. Maybe Cohen is examining changing attitudes about families in the film...or maybe I'm just reading way too much into the fact that Frank makes an off-the-cuff comment about how lucky single people are and the baby kills a milkman. Eh. I like finding depth where perhaps there is none. Otherwise, It's Alive is just a movie about a killer mutant baby and-- wait, that's awesome enough.
Film Club Coolies, Y'all!
Movie Bullstuff
Banned in Queensland
From Midnight, With Love
The House of Sparrows
Innocent Donuts
emma blackwood
Pussy Goes Grrr
The Verdant Dude
Final Girl Film Club,
Operation: 101010,
Hotel Thrillist Fontainebleau Miami
When we first received the invite to the Hotel Thrillist weekend at the Fontainebleau in Miami, we had no idea what Thrillist was or why we were invited. However, we're not the type to turn up our noses at a free weekend stay--especially at a hotel we have been wanting to check out--including parties, food and all the Bacardi Torched Cherry cocktails we could drink. The weekend was sponsored by Bacardi, Corona, Klondike and Nerf among others.
Upon arrival at the Fontainebleau, we quickly learned that Thrillist is like a unisex Daily Candy for the cool people. You can sign up for a daily email in 17 cities, including NYC, Los Angeles, Miami, Austin and more. Everyday the site features a hip new bar, restaurant, clothing line, event, gadget or the like that is just ever so slightly under the radar and definitely up and coming.
The site also offers deals like discounts on hotel stays (currently 20% off at NYC's Gild Hall) and throws parties and events, like the Hotel Thrillist weekend, that you may get invited to or win a chance to join in. On our weekend, every third person we met was a contest winner, so it really can happen.
The Hotel Thrillist weekend was packed with fun surprises like a buffet dinner featuring all the hotel's amazing restaurants, J. Cole performance at the Fontainebleau's Liv Nightclub and poolside concert by Kat DeLuna.
But hands down, our favorite part about the Hotel Thrillist weekend: The people. Not that we don't love our usual crew of beauty and fashion blogging cohorts, but it was really refreshing to meet a new mix of people including TV producers, advertising girls from Portland, Nerf PR folks, and a whole group of people who have no idea who Bethenney Frankel is -- and don't care. Figuring that the Hotel Thrillist crowd is indicative of who reads Thrillist, well, that's who we want to hang with regularly!
So sign up for Thrillist today and enter every contest you can. Who knows, we may just be seeing you at the next Hotel Thrillist weekend.
Sponsored Post: Olay Total Effects 7-in-1 Advanced Anti-Aging Body Wash
Two of my main focus areas in my Year I Stop Aging are my arms and my decolletage. While I always use moisturizer on my face, I haven't always been so good about taking care of the rest of me, and, it's starting to show. Both have plenty of freckles and sunspots, but what's really worrisome is that the texture is starting to change. While the skin on my face still has good laxity (when I pinch it, it quickly snaps back into place), the skin on my arms is looking tired and old. As if I need another reason to be concerned, a recent study indicated when judged independently from the face, your body skin, if maintained, is perceived up to 10 years younger.
Part of the reason I'm bad about taking care of these areas is that when I'm in a rush to get out of the door in the morning, I don't always have time to use moisturizer and let it soak in before getting dressed.
Enter Olay Total Effects 7-in-1 Advanced Anti-Aging Body Wash. Using Olay technology, it promises to:
- Improve elasticity
- Relieve dryness
- Deeply moisturize
- Brighten dull skin
- Even skin tone
- Smooth rough skin
- Minimize the appearance of dry lines
Olay Total Effects 7-in-1 Advanced Anti-Aging Body Wash are available where Olay products are sold. The suggested retail price is $5.99 for 8.4 oz. and $7.99 for 15.2 oz.
Year I Stop Aging
Sunday, June 27, 2010
The Year I Stop Aging
I had a birthday a few weeks back and determined that this would be the year I stop aging. When I look in the mirror, I feel as though I aged more in the past year than I did in the past five years combined. I'm sure some of that has to do with stress--I was married last November and lost my father recently. Then, I read an article in Allure that said a woman's attractiveness peaks at age 36 and a 50-something dietitian friend told me we go through aging spurts, just like growth spurts, so I suspect what's going on is more than just life changes. Uh-oh.
I realize, of course, that I can't actually stop aging. But just how I know it's time to cut back on chocolate and margaritas when my regular jeans start getting tight, I can tell it's time to take serious action. By serious action, I don't mean that I plan on pulling a Heidi Montag. Simply that I plan on eating those 5+ servings of fruit and veggies everyday, exercising regularly, using sunblock from head to toe (my arms and decolletage are particularly sun damaged), rigorously testing the many skin care products that get sent my way and occasionally dabbling in laser treatment to clear up my brown spots and a spot of Botox here and there. Follow along this year as I investigate how to stop the clock.
That's me, above, in April, about 6 months from my last Botox treatment.
Read about my current anti-aging skincare regimen that I already see making a difference.
Year I Stop Aging
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Get Ashley Greene's Look for the Eclipse Premiere
Artist Vanessa Scali used mark cosmetics to create Ashley Greene's look for the the Twilight Saga: Eclipse premiere at the 2010 Los Angeles Film Festival. “We wanted to create a soft, glowing goddess look to complement her beautiful Alexis Mabille Couture dress. The overall look was golden skin, soft blushed cheeks, champagne shimmer and a softly lined eye.”
”I prepped Ashley’s skin by applying mark Primed for Perfection Face Primer all over Ashley’s face to create a nice, even canvas. I like the skin to look flawless but real, so I always use foundation and concealers sparingly. With Ashley, I used mark Speedway Do Everything Makeup in Natural. I applied it with the mark Foundation Brush and then blended it with my fingers. Using my fingers to blend heats the product just a bit and leaves a seamless finish. Next, I applied mark Good Riddance Hook Up Concealer in Light/Medium under her eyes.”
“I wanted to create a nice luminous glow, so I started by applying just a touch of mark Get Bright Hook Up Highlighter in Natural to the top of her cheekbones, down the center of her nose and the bow of her top lip. Next, I applied mark Bronze Pro Bronzing Powder in Pro Glo to her temples, under her cheekbones and under her jaw line to lightly enhance the bronze in her natural skin tone. Lastly, I used mark Just Pinched Instant Blush Tint in Peachy on the apples of her cheeks for the perfect healthy flush.”
“For Ashley’s eyes I started by using mark I-mark Custom Pick Eyeshadow in Nomadic to create a champagne shimmer all over her eyelids and under the bottom lashes. Next, to define and elongate the lash line, I lined her upper eyelids with mark Keep It Going Longwear Eyeliner and Shadow in Entourage (Black Shade). For a touch of added depth, I used mark Get in Line Hook Up Waterproof Eyeliner in Painted Black at the very base of her lashes. I finished with a few generous coats of mark Lash Splash Hook Up Waterproof Mascara in Black.”
“For Ashley’s lips, I started by using a dab of mark Kiss Dry Goodbye Lip Smoother to give her lips a touch of moisture. I then used mark Kissink Liptint Marker in Berry to define the outer edge of her lips and smudged the color into the center.”
Best Celeb Up Do's
With temperatures soring early this summer, we're looking for ways to wear our hair up. Here are eight great celeb styles, some easier to emulate than others. Lauren Le Vine of Daily Makeover came up with this great selection. "These ballerina buns, sloppy-sexy chignons and other sleek styles add an instant glamour and chicness to any look. See which celebs have rocked easy up dos that work everywhere from the red carpet to a casual weekend bbq." Follow here to see the styles.
Related Links:
Miley Cyrus' Fresh & Flirty New 'Do
Crazy Busy Beautiful
Get the Look: Jessica simpson's Summery Blonde Locks
Related Links:
Miley Cyrus' Fresh & Flirty New 'Do
Crazy Busy Beautiful
Get the Look: Jessica simpson's Summery Blonde Locks
Daily Makeover
Friday, June 25, 2010
Summer Music's Glam Girls
We love summer concerts and this year there's a number of glam girls on tour. Check out Meghan of Daily Makeover's picks. From hippie-chic style on the music festival circuit to crazy hair colors and costumes at the world concert tours, we rounded up our fave beauty looks from the stars of the summer music stages. Check them out now!
Read on:
Miley Cyrus' Fresh & Flirty New 'Do
Top 8 Celeb Updos
Crazy Busy Beautiful
Get the Look: Jessica simpson's Summery Blonde Locks
Read on:
Miley Cyrus' Fresh & Flirty New 'Do
Top 8 Celeb Updos
Crazy Busy Beautiful
Get the Look: Jessica simpson's Summery Blonde Locks
Daily Makeover
Web Snob June 25th, 2010
Stiletto Jungle test drives the much anticipated Living Proof Full Thickening Cream.
Allie is Wired takes a first look at Madonna’s 'Material Girl' fashion collection.
Bag Bliss put together a "neutral rainbow" of top purse picks for summer.
Bag Snob advises to run to the store right now to buy this bag!
Beauty Snob has the answer for that time of the month when you need to get back the bounce back in your step!
Coquette loves the fresh, feminine take on menswear with cut-out oxfords.
Stuart Weitzman for fall 2010 is a must according to Fashion Pulse Daily
The Jet Set Girls get excited for Chanel's Fall 2010 Makeup launch especially the must-have nail color for fall!
KRISTOPHER DUKES is wanting Rimowa special-edition “Topas” suitcase.
Manolo says, the loss of the hat as the fashion accessory elevates the shoes to the place of prominence? This theory is so simple and elegant, it must be true.
Ah, Second City Style thinks there's nothing quite like Style in the City this summer!
Shopping and Info loves looking taller and leaner in these K. Jacques nude wedge sandals for July 4th.
Want to know what the StyleBakery editors are loving this season? This week, they each share their top 10 favorites.
StyleCaster had New York’s premiere matchmaker, Richard Easton, tell us the10 quickest ways to turn a guy off!!
The Beauty Stop shows how to replicate Ashley Greene's party look.
The Shoe Goddess loves this sexy pair of Christian Louboutin Clou Noeud Spike Pumps!
eye4stle composes an ode of sorts to a Wardrobe Workhorse - the stud earring!
Allie is Wired takes a first look at Madonna’s 'Material Girl' fashion collection.
Bag Bliss put together a "neutral rainbow" of top purse picks for summer.
Bag Snob advises to run to the store right now to buy this bag!
Beauty Snob has the answer for that time of the month when you need to get back the bounce back in your step!
Coquette loves the fresh, feminine take on menswear with cut-out oxfords.
Stuart Weitzman for fall 2010 is a must according to Fashion Pulse Daily
The Jet Set Girls get excited for Chanel's Fall 2010 Makeup launch especially the must-have nail color for fall!
KRISTOPHER DUKES is wanting Rimowa special-edition “Topas” suitcase.
Manolo says, the loss of the hat as the fashion accessory elevates the shoes to the place of prominence? This theory is so simple and elegant, it must be true.
Ah, Second City Style thinks there's nothing quite like Style in the City this summer!
Shopping and Info loves looking taller and leaner in these K. Jacques nude wedge sandals for July 4th.
Want to know what the StyleBakery editors are loving this season? This week, they each share their top 10 favorites.
StyleCaster had New York’s premiere matchmaker, Richard Easton, tell us the10 quickest ways to turn a guy off!!
The Beauty Stop shows how to replicate Ashley Greene's party look.
The Shoe Goddess loves this sexy pair of Christian Louboutin Clou Noeud Spike Pumps!
eye4stle composes an ode of sorts to a Wardrobe Workhorse - the stud earring!
Web Snob
Bobbi Brown's New Denim & Rose Palette
If your go-to outfit for day and night is a sexy pair of jeans, then you'll be excited as we are for the new Bobbi Brown palette.
“Everyone looks great in jeans— and anyone can pull off a dark denim eye. To make it wearable, I’ve paired inky blue shadows with pretty roses for lips and cheeks. The combination is casual and put-together, rock and roll but romantic, and modern yet classic all at once.” Bobbi Brown
The limited edition Denim and Rose Palette is packed with deep, shimmering blues, icy grays and pinks for eyes and fresh rose shades for lips and cheeks. It's perfect for a girls' getaway because you have the option of wearing a soft daytime look or a smoky dramatic look for evening.
Priced at $60.00 and available July 2010 at Bobbi Brown counters and
“Everyone looks great in jeans— and anyone can pull off a dark denim eye. To make it wearable, I’ve paired inky blue shadows with pretty roses for lips and cheeks. The combination is casual and put-together, rock and roll but romantic, and modern yet classic all at once.” Bobbi Brown
The limited edition Denim and Rose Palette is packed with deep, shimmering blues, icy grays and pinks for eyes and fresh rose shades for lips and cheeks. It's perfect for a girls' getaway because you have the option of wearing a soft daytime look or a smoky dramatic look for evening.
Priced at $60.00 and available July 2010 at Bobbi Brown counters and
awesome movie poster friday - the STUART GORDON edition!
It's about time Stuart Gordon got some love around here- after all, he did so much to mess with my mind back in mah yout'. Besides, it finally gives me an opportunity to post Robot Jox posters. Oh, and a couple of these are DVD covers, but what are ya gonna do?

awesome movie poster friday
On Our Radar: Seeing the City from Your Bike
We figured out long ago that one of the easiest ways to see a city is on two wheels. There's less traffic in bike lanes, no taxi or train fare, and it's great exercise. You also don't miss anything because it's going by too fast or because your feet are too tired. We've both scoured our home towns of NY and DC of course; but more recently Anne was in Montreal and Hope in Chicago and both spent a day in the saddle.
Hope started her ride at the Hotel Sax and headed towards Millennium Park. She rode her own bike; but you can rent them throughout the city with Bike Chicago. The newish park is home to the gorgeous Pritzger Music Pavilion (eat your heart out Jiffy Lube Live)
and the psychedelic bean (aka Cloud Gate); both of which pose brilliantly for your camera. She stopped by the Festa Italia to feel out the fancy cars.
From there she headed up the shore past Navy Pier, through the throngs at North Avenue Beach. Chicago's beach goers were looking good on this sunny Saturday, even if towel space was at a minimum.
No bike? No problem if you're staying at a Fairmont or the Tribeca Grand in New York, which are among the many hotels that offer their guests bikes.
on our radar
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